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RE: Where On Wednesday—Anywhere I Can Buy STEEM Instantly

Hmm has Binance released a US supported platform yet? I think I remember hearing that they would be at some stage.

I had some BTC sitting in Binance so used that to buy my Steemit account.

There’s also the option to pay using card in Binance however I haven’t tried that yet.

Bittrex has Steem listed as well. But you still have the problem of buying crypto first.

You could always try one of those vending machines if you have one nearby.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Hey, @debtfreein2.

There's no Netcoins in the U.S., and the nearest ATM is about four to five hours away. I tried signing up with both Binance and Bittrex last year but neither were taking new customers at the time, and I didn't pursue it further because Coinbase was working okay at that point.

It looks like Binance does have a US platform now. I'm working through the verification process now. I'm not thrilled with what they make me do, but we'll see if it's worth it.