Hey, @newageinv.
I would like to think that day is not so far off. I don't know what it's going to take to get it to happen, though. Centralized banking has been at the core of most countries for at least a hundred years now, and the concept and more limited implementation of it is probably as old as man.
So, it's not something that's just going to take over. Not at the rate things are going. Had businesses jumped to Bitcoin earlier, before governments had a chance to step in and start regulating, maybe. Now, I'm not so sure what's to keep them from simply taking over.
I understand the decentralized nature of the blockchain. I get that witnesses are supposedly not beholden to anyone. What I don't know is, will we be able to keep 20 + 1 witnesses if/when, the respective governments of these individuals decide they want to shut them down. Right now, the pressure is basically economical, thanks to the low STEEM values.
What happens when the pressure is we seize your bank accounts, put you under arrest, etc. Anonymity can get real thin real quick, especially since a lot of folks know each other and Discord isn't going to be impossible to get into, either.