Whisper II: Jack
My Contribution to the Whisper Gallery II
post about this round here.In case you are unfamiliar with the Whisper Galleries that have taken place so far, please check out @mrblinddraw's original
I am the 3rd artist in this current Whisper Gallery. It took a few days for me to really figure out what I was going to do for my contribution in the Whisper II. I would have to say that both of the previous pieces contributed to the inspiration for this one. Here are the previous two pieces - so you can see how they inspire the next piece: They are both amazing & inspiring!
link to original post)#1. 'Fête de La Musique II', by @manouche (
link to original post)#2. 'Dance', by @soyrosa (
Here's what I did:
At first I was trying to figure out what previous art pieces I had already done that perhaps could be constructed to create a similar feel to @soyrosa's collage. And, I had a couple ideas. But then life happened, and I got busy dealing with our injured cat, leading my daughter's 5th grade class in an egg tempera project (that's finally done - yay!) and other stuff.
A couple days ago - I realized I really needed to get going on my Whisper art piece!! I revisited @soyrosa's post and her art piece again - 'Dance'... hmm... And, almost all at once - it sort of just happened. I was reminded of my late friend Jack's song - "Dancin'". Jack passed away earlier this year in late January. He was a dear friend to both me & my husband. His death was really unexpected. We had just visited him and his partner during my birthday weekend about 2 weeks prior to his passing, and he was fine when we saw him. He was a great host - made great coffee, played his guitar for us, and we all went to the beach a couple times. He died from an aneurism. His death really saddened all of his friends, as he was such an amazing, peaceful, loving spirit - who had always been there for all of us. My husband and I had only known him for a few years, but his friendship was truly a blessing.
Anyway, once I decided I was going to paint Jack, I realized I was going to have to paint fast! I only had a couple more days! I dove right in. I painted for a couple days - almost straight - between shuttling my kids back and forth to school & work, and dealing with animals.
It was all done in acrylic - on a plywood panel that is 32" X 21".
I had to deal with a couple knot holes that were in the wood - one was right in the middle of his face. Ugh! I ended up filling them with extra paint.
I originally thought I'd put roses around Jack, since he used to like to sit outside in his garden and smoke his cigarettes and watch the birds at the bird feeder. But, I painted the background - with colors going around him in a circle - it started looking like a record/album. I didn't really completely let go of the idea of having roses in there until the very end.
I had a really hard time getting his face just right - it's tricky getting people to really look like themselves, and painting people isn't really my forte. I can do it, but it's hard for me. I think I did finally capture him pretty well, but I ended up repainting him many times - adding lights, darks, more skin tone, more darks, more white... over & over.
I also had the idea to put musical notes coming out from his guitar - placed similarly to the birds in @soyrosa's collage. But, that morphed, too. I was listening to Jack's music while painting last night. I realized that the musical notes really should be hearts - since the main theme of many of his songs is love. And, actually that worked better that musical notes would have - because the background was so dark - the musical notes would've had to be white. I think the hearts are much more fitting.
Jack's Music
Jack played the guitar. He wrote all his own songs - most of them about his own life. He frequented the "Open Mic Night" in the small community of Williams, and would often bring his guitar along to potlucks and parties. He played his guitar here, in my living room - when we had our house-warming party. Many of his songs are about love & life. They are very inspiring.
During our last stay with Jack, he played guitar on Sunday morning. I remember I was in the kitchen and my husband, Jack and his partner were all in the living room - lounging around. Jack started playing guitar. The song he played was so pretty. I hadn't heard it before. I asked him afterwards what it was called. He said it was called "Dancin'". He told me there were links to his music on his Facebook page.
After he passed away, I ended up going to his online site where all his songs were - and there was "Dancin'". Some of his songs that he uploaded are a bit rough-sounding, since they weren't recorded professionally. I ended up putting them onto a CD for some of his friends, and cropping off some of the extra "space" at the start and end of each song. What a gift to have all his songs still! I get "Dancin'" in my head sometimes. It's a great song, and it's totally Jack!
Here is a link to listen to his music. I believe that "Dancin'" is the first song on there.
Here are the lyrics (the best I can figure from listening):
Never was one for rules or regulation
Had a tendency to daydream in my school
Had trouble with direction
Tried to avoid detection
Running through sunny fields in my mind
Tried my best to fit into the system
Things they taught me, hurt me to my soul
Took time to learn my lesson
My life is an expression
Lovin’ life, shining bright!
And I’m dancin’ to the beat of my heart
Dancin’ to the light of the soul
Dancin’ to the beat of my heart
Dancin’ out of control.
Never was one for rules or regulation
Had a tendency to daydream in my school
Had trouble with direction
Tried to avoid detection
Running through a sunny field in my mind
I’m dancing to the beat of my heart
Dancin’ in the light of my soul
Dancin’ to the beat of my heart
Dancin’ out of control
Art is best when kept personal, you did amazing. What a loss you've had to endure. He seems like a man you would want to have near you a lot - a gorgeous picture of him, you really did him justice in your painting. I love seeing a few of the elements of @manouche's and my artwork in yours too :-)
Listened to his song while writing this comment, so many creators in our worlds, if we only could honour them all... <3
Thank you! I'm glad you listened to his song! More people need to hear his music - it's just wonderful! Thank you for creating some inspiring art to spring off from! This is a great project to be involved with! So happy to be here!
Hi pyrowngs,
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Thank you so much for your upvote, @curie!
Hello. I think that the portrait is a great memory of the man who left us. Jack would be very happy. Now his soul will be there. Art - pictures and music live forever!
This is tremendous, @pyrowngs. I loved reading the story of Jack, and seeing the progression of the piece. Wow, you are talented! I’m so amazed by what you’ve done with light and shadow.
Congrats on getting the attention of @curie. You deserve it!
Thanks, @Jayna! I've been pondering the new 50 words challenge theme... cool theme this week!
Great. I hope it inspires you!
Interesting gallery and review of those arts. Thanks for sharing your art!
Thank you!
you capture his facial expression, well done.
What a beautiful, beautiful way to take forth the whisper from @soyrosa. It's wonderful to see elements of both our whispers in this heartfelt tribute. And hey, this could now be the album artwork for your CD! Listening to the song now and @ as soyrosa said earlier, she added the dance to the music and now you've given it sound and feel. Love this @pyrowngs!
It would make a great CD cover - you're right! Your's would too! Thanks for being the start of this fun and inspiring journey!
This was really touching @pyrowngs. I greatly appreciate your contribution and definitely you did him justice. Thank you for participating!
Thank you so much for hosting this project! Art collaborations like this one are my favorite thing about Steemit! I never would have been able to collaborate with artists from around the world without Steemit. The art community here is a constant stream of inspiration.