Samsung Galaxy A5
This is the time of the year that our ornamental cabbage friends get to shine. I see their plump, juicy faces everywhere.
Hosted by the very talented @dmcamera
Samsung Galaxy A5
This is the time of the year that our ornamental cabbage friends get to shine. I see their plump, juicy faces everywhere.
Hosted by the very talented @dmcamera
I love the symmetry of these cabbages! Great contrast between the center and the outside leaves of the cabbage!
Mama Nature did that. I am simply an observer and a recorder.
Yes, but you could just as easily have zoomed in and missed the dark leaves. Photography is the art of seeing. 😃👍
Wow. That is so pretty, especially with the little droplets. I don't think I can say that I have ever seen one of these. Fantastic shot.
Thank you @topkpop. They are so abundant here. They look almost good enough to eat. :)
Brilliant shot :O
Thank you!
I saw landscapers in the city putting these in yesterday well more the red and green ones there ideal for this time of year beautiful and hardy