The Original Ancient Faith of The White People. Introduction

in #whitelegacy2 years ago (edited)

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Understanding The Great of Gist of the Ancient Wisdom, hidden in the Legacy of the White People, is given only to those which hearts are open to the texts recorded by the Ancient Runes, who seek to find their roots and are drawn by their Soul and Blood to the original Ancient Faith of the White Ancestors. Currently, the following texts have now been given to the social world by the Chroniclers and are available in translations from the Runic scripture: The Santii-Vedas of The Perun, The Saga about the Ynglings, The Haratii of The Light, The Word of Wisdom of The Volkhv Velimudr. In ancient times, the Runes not only conveyed the secret Image and The gist, they also marked the numbers. This was done by placing a line above a Rune, indicating that the Rune had a numerical value. Some consider The Santii, The Haratii and The Saga to be authentic artefacts, others regard them to be fascinating mythical tales worthy of extensive study, and some, - those trying to present themselves as "all-knowing and competent", call them medieval forgeries. But all this does not matter in the slightest, because these Runical scriptures were, are and will be the oldest Sacred texts for all White People all over the world.

Impressions will be range, from evilful rejection and a desire to swat the "new heresy", to the joyous excitement of returning to one's roots, one's origins. For thousands of years the Great Legacy of the White Ancestors has been destroyed, distorted and consigned to oblivion. In its place, "hisTorah" has been imposed on us, that which is taken from the torah. But the torah (the Pentateuch of Moses) is an alien scripture, a biblical scripture that has nothing to do with the White People. We have always had our own scripture - the Vedas, a small part of which our Great Ancestors gave to the Dravidian (Indian) tribes in Dravidia (India) tens of thousands of years ago. The Indians themselves say the following about it: "the seven White Teachers came to us from beyond the mountains and gave us the Vedas".

A new time is coming - The Light Age of the Wolf (Aquarius), replacing the bloody and deceitful Age of the Fox (Pisces). The time has come to return to the descendants of the Great White Forefathers The Original Knowledge, of their very Ancient and very rich Culture and of The Great Ancestral Legacy. The task is simple and complex at the same time: to remember what was forgotten. After theese - to realise that the real improvement of people is only possible on the path of Spiritual perfection and in harmony with Nature, where material well-being is a natural side-effect. This Knowledge was possessed tens and hundreds of thousands of years ago by the powerful Derzhava of the Ancient Aryans - our distant Ancestors. They knew about other Worlds and the existence of life in other Galaxies, they knew about the existence of the Soul and the energy field of man (modern scientists have only recently photographed the field emitted by man using Kirlian photography and filmed the silver thread that connects man and the Soul, at the moment when Soul leaves the body).

Thus, the Ancient Original Faith is neither a religion nor an attempt to restore the lost connection with the Gods - the Energy-Information Streams. The Ancient Original Faith is the acquisition of the Highest Knowledge of The Worldorder - The Universe and Its Rules.

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