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RE: Panic in the Heterarchy - A Frank Bacon Companion Reader for Resilience - [BLOCK]Work Effect.

re: 32/ But isn't Steemit more or less controlled by a mob right now?

An arguing, sometimes not too sophisticated, sometimes greedy, "I've been here since 2016" old-boys network that leans toward nepotism mob?


Steemit is not controlled by anybody but the collective stakeholders. The witnesses which secure the decentralized blockchain are kept in check by the stakeholders. There is no censorship whatsoever on Steemit possible which is an important attribute of control - the beauty however is - Steemit is what it is in the eye of the beholder ;-) If one does not like it here - I'm sure Zuckerberg is happy for every additional soul he can capture and engage ;-)

It wasn't meant as criticism or to detract from Steemit.

I will freely admit to not understanding anything but the very basics of how it operates.

I was really looking for some reassurance that it has a future; which you have supplied.

So that's what all this "Witness Voting" is all about.

Thank you Sir Frank Bacon.