Whose Opinion Matters Most?

in #whose2 years ago

Matthew 5:11-12

When people criticize you for living a life that is pleasing to God, remember: You have a great reward waiting for you in heaven.

Focusing on eternity is the antidote to insult and ridicule.


Because the opinions of others won’t last.

Their disapproval won’t last.

Yes, you can listen to their opinions, but don’t overvalue what they say.

The only thing that will last is God’s church. Only God’s family will be in heaven forever.

That’s why you don’t want to waste your life worrying about what people say about you.

Instead, God wants you to spend your days doing the things that please him—using the gifts, talents, and abilities he’s given you to worship him and make an eternal difference with your life.

If God likes what you’re doing, then you know you’re doing the right thing.

Imagine how simplified your life would be if you lived for an audience of One!

But so often you care too much about what people think, and you put yourself at the mercy of their judgments.

If someone thinks you’re a loser, then you must be a loser.

If someone thinks you’re odd, then you must be odd.

I don’t want to live that way—do you?

The truth is, you won’t be in heaven one minute when you’ll say, “Why did I worry so much about what other people thought about me?”

As the apostle Paul said, Galatians 1:10

Today, instead of living for the approval of people, live for the joy of heaven.

And know that your reward in heaven will be great when your only concern on Earth is to please God.

Talk It Over

In what ways do other people’s opinions have control over you?

How do you live differently because you fear what they think of you?

How does living only for God’s approval simplify your life?

What one habit can you develop that will help you focus on doing things throughout your day that please God?