Faaaar too many coincidences happening rapid fire for my liking (not "only"deaths) :o/
On the search queries, want to see something creepy ?
My version of that page has no new data since 2014, but its still too much .. And I'm sure I'm not looking up half the deviant stuff you are ;)
Hmm... I just checked the myactivity site and had to laugh because I see a lot of my husband's online activities (we have 2 laptops and I often use both). Well, at least I'm not seeing any porn and gambling sites. LOL There are 2 subjects I absolutely will not google - how to make bombs and pedophilia. Everything else is open season. I had a wild month researching macrophilia for a story once. (Giantess fetishes). it's flippin' hysterical.
Aha mere I hadn't heard the term macrophilia before thanks for that tidbit :P
I actually had stumbled across the fetish before though, but by accident ..
If you ever want to get lost down a rabbit hole of wierdness look into tulpa giantess fetish's lol
bwahahahahaaa.... See??? This is why you are my people. LOL