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RE: Julian Assange Proof of Life in Bitcoin Block 447506

in #wikileaks8 years ago

Falsifying a BTC transaction OR anticipating the 'hash' created from a transaction (big number * big number = very big number) is neither economically nor technologically a viable option. The amount of computing power devoted to solving the "math" behind each bitcoin transaction is just too high for even state actors to compete in a short amount of time.

Him reading the most recent block hash is the new version of 'timestamping' your presence. He could not have known that hash prior to the event and the rest of the world can confirm it is in fact the current block as the hash would be the last known completed block.


Hey that was a great explanation. I want to cover this article in a YouTube video, can I use your comment as well?

I'm not a technologically savvy person either. I'm still not convinced. He could of have been tortured to give up the math(??) of his technical signature?? I dunno, I don't understand the tech process at all. Why so elusive still? Why not just do the regular verifying of proof of life? Whats the issue? Seems stupid to me. His public physical pressence, fingerprints, dna, validation and confirmation with his personal life info via a close relative and another step or two ..... to rule out a clone replacement. Come on, really? I wonder if he has RH- Blood? Supposedly, non-clonable......Maybe an issue for faking his person and that's why he is basically 'missing in action'?? I'm not joking! Why so vague as usual w his confirmation of proof of life? Unacceptable and suspect. What's the legality of his imprisonment? The UN said not legal to UK and Sweden...... Immediate release and compensation even. That was last month. Is the US the legal issue? On what grounds? Is he still supposedly in London even? How hard is it to check? No press conferences? When I called the Ecudor Embassy, they said yes he is fine and here. That was in November. There needs to be special protection laws for Whistlerblowers. They are so brave like Chelsea Manning as well. They were outing the criminals. They are not the criminals in the situation! Way stupid