Julian Assange liar and traitor

in #wikileaks7 years ago (edited)

Wikileaks is a centralized propaganda operation, not a whistleblower website anymore.

True whistleblowers don't go to Assange or they end up in jail like Chelsey (Bradley) Manning, because Assange is full of shit and cannot be trusted.

Wikileaks was part of the crypto community up to 2011 when most of its founders left it after realizing that Assange had begun using wikileaks as his personal propaganda tool contrary to its original intention to serve as a website for whistleblowers that protects the anonymity of its sources and most importantly doesn't pursue any political agenda by only selectively publishing certain leaks and writing articles about them with misleading comments but instead publishing all leaks indiscriminatorily without political commentary as raw sources.

It would be desirable to have a true decentralized and anonymous whistleblower platform on the basis of blockchain technology that makss the propaganda outlet wikileaks superflous and fulfills the original promise that wikileaks once had, such as dark leaks: https://medium.com/@ZozanCudi/darkleaks-information-blackmarket-1ee5ac28c892


You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:

Wikileaks was part of the crypto community up to 2011 when most of its founders left it after realizing that Assange had began uising wikileaks as his personal propoganda tool contrary to its original intention to serve as a website for whistleblowers that protexts the anonmity of its sources and most importantly doesn't pursue any political agnda by only selctively publishing certain leaks and writing articles about them with misleading comments but instead publishing all leaks indiscriminatorily.
It should be propaganda instead of propoganda.