CHECKMATE FOR THE DEEPSTATE | Assange Tweets Famous Chess Move From A 1918 Game Where The Losing Player Came Back To Win

in #wikileaks7 years ago


After more than 5 years of arbitrary detention in the UK Ecuadorian Embassy, it looks like there could be light at the end of the tunnel for Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange. Yesterday he posted an image of a seemingly random move from a game of chess. The move is in fact from the , Jose Raul Capablanca (whites) vs Frank James Marshall (blacks) game, which took place on 10/23/1918 in New York city.


This game is a well known one of chess in the chess world, and lead to the birth of the Marshall Attack. It's an opening move that's said to have taken Marshall many years to master before his game against Capablanca. By all accounts once the attack was played out it was looking as though Marshall was going to win the game. But Capablanca ended up turning it around a few moves later to take a comfortable win. below is a little bit of history about the 2 players.


(born Nov-19-1888, died Mar-08-1942, 53 years old) Cuba

José Raúl Capablanca y Graupera was the third World Champion, reigning from 1921 until 1927. Renowned for the simplicity of his play, his legendary endgame prowess, accuracy, and the speed of his play, he earned the nickname of the "Human Chess Machine".


(born Aug-10-1877, died Nov-09-1944, 67 years old) United States of America

Frank James Marshall, born in New York City on August 10, 1877, was United States champion from 1909-1936 and a respected international competitor for the first quarter of the 20th century. He began international play by winning the Minor tournament at London 1899. In his major tournament debut at Paris 1900, Marshall finished =3rd with Geza Maroczy, defeating World Champion Emanuel Lasker in their individual game.

Several opening variations are named after him, most notably Ruy Lopez, Marshall (C89). Though his use of it in Capablanca vs Marshall, 1918 resulted in a loss, the gambit is still studied today and has been played by some of the world's leading players. Many prominent players avoid it as White, believing that there is no way to get a meaningful advantage against it.

The particular move Julian Assange Tweeted is the 24th move out of the 36 move game. This move is an especially important one in the game for Capablanca (whites) as it was the first time he was able to successfully get his King (c,2) to safety after fending off Marshalls opening attack. From this point Capablanca was able to free up his rook (A,1) a few moves later which eventually helped him to win the game. Here's a great video which explains the whole game from start to finish, in detail.

I think chess is a perfect analogy for what has been going on here for the past 5 and a half years. So, does this mean that the tables are starting to turn for Assange in this elaborate game of geopolitical chess. Could it be that in just a few moves time the editor of Wikileaks will be able to walk free from Ecuadorian Embassy.


It would seem that after being granted Ecuadorian Citizenship, and the Ecuadorian Prime Minister looking for an independent country or person to mediate talks between the US, UK, and Ecuador, Assange certainly now looks to be in a strong position going into the final few moves.



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The British government still want to arrest him and will unless he gets diplomatic status which they are resisting at the behest of DC.
It's disgusting as the Swedish have dropped their bogus charges and I don't see any reason why Assange shouldn't be allowed to walk free.
Just goes to show how the deep state scum treat those who try to out them for their crimes. Assange is an innocent man but it won't stop the neocon element in DC trying to get their hands on him.
Its a disgrace!

The inaction of the Australian government is this matter is even more disgraceful.

How could they allow one of their citizens to be detained like this for over 5 years.

Many Australians regard Assange as a hero and afe deeply disappointed in the Australian government.

You're right, it is a disgrace. And one that has wasted millions of dollars.

The only case the UK now has against Assange is that he broke his bail conditions when moving to the Ecuadorian Embassy. And those bail conditions were the ones imposed on him for the alleged rape case that has since been dropped. Even when Assange is finally allowed to walk free, he will still forever be a marked man.

It literally is just a crazy mad game of political chess. Lets hope it all ends soon and Assange can finally sip cocktails in the sun. I also hope he dumps a shit load of documents that exposes everything too when he's finally free.

Fingers crossed eh!
That is more than likely their biggest fear, what hasn't been released.
Time will tell buddy.

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Imagine how many dirty U.S. gov. secrets would have never seen the light of day if it wasn't for Assange's sacrifices. The guy deserves a statue in Washington D.C.

I really hope Assange can walk out of the Ecuadorian embassy one day a free man!

Assange has already served a jail sentence, but on his own terms, denying his enemies the satisfaction of a show trial. He served five years of his life in the confinement of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. He exposed the Left and Rights hypocrisy and duplicity in that both Left and Right have embraced and condemned Assange based upon the information he released. By releasing information that embarrassed both sides of the political spectrum he proved his integrity and refusal to be a pawn. That isn’t the way the system works and Assange paid with five years of his life, proving the value of character and integrity.

^^ THIS ^^

He is a true hero to many. It's just a shame some people have been turned against him by the deepstate.

Interesting post. I heard a theory on No Agenda that Assange may get an ambassadorial role with Ecuador which may permit him to be stationed in a country of his choice. Maybe his home country of Australia. However knowing Australia I doubt that would be a move to safety rather than out of a frying pan and into fire as the politicians here are completely beholden to the Deep State having squandered 10's of millions of our tax dollars on the Clinton Global Initiative.

That donation to the Clinton Foundation says everything you need to know about the corrupt Labor government that approved it.

Unfortunately the Liberal Government has sat on their hands in respect of Assange as well.

Disgraceful !!!

Yes, diplomatic immunity would definitely help significantly. It would be pretty funny if he chose to go to the Ecuadorian Embassy in Russia. It would drive the Clinton gang nuts.

Unfortunately, Australia is part of the 5 eyes so they will pretty much do anything America asks them to do. I expect he'll end up in Ecuador.

I say it has to do with Cuba. Communism will be check-mated soon.


Ah yes, Cuba V America. Maybe.

Fantastic article! I'm a chess fanatic, and like how you linked in reference to the more obscure terms in the article(Such as the Marshall attack). Very well done and put together. Kudos.

nice chess game. being granted an Ecuadorian citizenship, there is a very big chance for assange to be a free man once again and continue his work in wikileaks in exposing the truth.

Lets hope he celebrates by publishing a huge document leak. We know he has plenty to release still.

As someone who had a pretty high rating I. Chess once, I thoroughly enjoyed reading the post.

Thank you. It was a great analogy he used.

Amazing, I look forward to Assange's checkmate!

No matter what Assange thinks will happen, I judge it unlikely that he will escape revenge from the evil people whose criminal deeds he exposed. If they want, the powerful criminals of this world will find a way to kill him. Look at Kim Jong Un's brother's death in Malaysia. He was carrying an antidote to poison, but he was poisoned anyway.

Yes. Sadly he will forever be a marked man.

The game of chess is neither here nor there, you win some you loose some. Thanks. I follow and upvote you.

Lets hope its the game that twill end all games.

Fascinating story still unfolding - and I think incredible person. Difficult to imagine how he could attain safe passage even if a deal was struck with UK authorities - its a long ride to Ecuador if that is his destination.

No champion for life.. Chess is an interesting game anyways, it's been long I played it.. Nice post @fortified

Hmmm, I'm quite curious what the next move will be. Interesting...

Me too. watch this space.

this is very interesting games but don't know how to play hahahaha :):):)

It's worth taking the time to learn. It's a beautifully complex game.

I know one thing, this whole saga is far more interesting than any game of chess.

One important point to note is that QAnon spoke of "DEFCON1" just last week and look at what happened in Hawaii today. Interesting times, indeed! Go White Hats!

The game of chess, mashall against capablanca is a challenging one, but I have never seen a stable winner. Thanks for reminding me of chess game.

No problem. I had never heard of this game before yesterday. It was enjoyable to research. It seems to be a much studied game.

Playing Chess is like drawing, mind races ahead of the moves that you eventually make.

Game over

My favorite all the time Quuen

amazing l like your post thanks to share

Thanks for the post. I am writing a book about the Second American Revolution and I have linked to your post. thanks

Hi. Exciting stuff. Thank you.