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RE: Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 4)

in #wikileaks8 years ago

Whoa! That's some serious research and I'll have to reread...probably more than once.
HowBitter this pill is, for sure is something we agree on. I'm not ready to swallow it yet, but I've sucked down too many to call any cows sacred (or sanctified). On the other hand I have too much respect for Julian Assange to not need more convincing.

I will follow and go back and read other posts. Such amazing research! Such a fascinating topic! One thing I'd need to be shown is that WikiLeaks is not doing the world a world of good. Proof is in the pudding. Is there a nefarious motive or result?
I'm of the opinion that saving the world from another Clinton presidency was a vital service to all humanity. No doubt WikiLeaks played a large role in that result.

Again, I must reread. This was a lot to take in. Even if I never agree with your conclusion, it's hard to ignore some of what's being presented as surprising.

I will stay tuned!


You have a great attitude and I can understand you choosing to reserve judgement. I'm glad that you've got an open-mind and are willing to hear the evidence. This series has a way to go yet and there are many more things to cover. When I'm done I will probably write one final post summarizing my conclusions from all of the other posts. I think that after reading it people will be better placed to make an informed decision. It's a sensitive topic I know.

You should definitely go back and read the series from the beginning. Thanks for reading it and commenting.

Thanks, I'm on it... but this could take some time; )