Donald Trump’s Base Will Abandon Him On May 1st – Listen Up

in #wikileaks8 years ago

Donald Trump is on the verge of losing his entire base because he’s playing the CIA’s bitch right now, and we’ve had enough of it. I’m not going to go into what other great writers have said, instead I’m going to build on what Mike Cernovich (link:, Caitlin Johnstone (link:, and Robert David Steele (link: have said very eloquently.

Donald Trump won against a rigged election that was proven to be executed and orchestrated (outside a court of law, because our legal system refuses to touch the actual perpetrator) by (allergy) Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and a slew of others who come to mind (such as George Soros). During the Democratic Primary, Bernie supporters got cheated and this fractured the democratic party in favor of Donald Trump. We, as hardcore Bernie Sanders supports, could not handle accepting a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Just imagine scandal after scandal and “I don’t recall” and her being too stupid to know what (C) meant in a classified document, after being surrounded by classified materials for almost 20 years. Give me a break.

We were cheated and we Americans made our voice heard. The 5% paid and unaware minority who supported Hillary Clinton without knowing ANYTHING about her record – treating her in a purely non-sexist manner, unanimously called everyone else racist, sexists, xenophobic, etc. in order to coerce us into feeling guilty for Hillary Clinton so that we would vote for her. Um… no thank you. Not gonna happen. Not now, not ever.

Robert Davide Steele brings up some hard truths for us to swallow. Our election system is rigged. We have not had a legitimate election for decades and the result of this is has given us war after war after war with a destroyed economy, an over inflated fiat currency which enslaves you and I, and a Shadow Government, who the FBI even acknowledged, kinda does their own shit with absolutely NO OVERSIGHT. How is this acceptable in a democracy?

Lawyer and practitioner of Law, Cliff Arnebeck ( , reported on July 25th, 2016 a very well documented and legitimately sourced materials, that the 2016 Democratic Primary was rigged illegally against Bernie Sanders and that it was Hillary Clinton’s racketeering organization (official name is unknown) that was behind this collusion. We saw voter rolls purged, people weren’t able to vote because they hadn’t declared themselves as “Democrats” unreasonably in advance, and actual machine rigging processes being executed by Soros owned Electronic Voting Machine companies.

I could go on until the sun stops shinning about how Hillary Clinton stole this election from us and forced us with Donald Trump. But I won’t. I want to focus on what May 1st means and what we all must do.

Donald Trump has until May 1st to abandon the treasonous CIA lead collation into prepping the United States for World War 3. Nobody, outside of the Military Intelligence Industrial Complex (MIIC), want war with Russia, North Korea, China, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, etc..

We want peace. That’s it.

We have a treasonous CIA who is continuing to create false flag events in order to drive Americans into a stream of terror where they feel like they must be enslaved in this two party duopoly and forced to go to war with a country they don’t want to go to war with.

The Political Revolution from Bernie Sanders is the same political revolution that was behind Donald Trump. Feel The Bern. We do feel the burn. We really do. Some of us prefer the conservative approach to limiting the role of Government and removing our $600B military budget and actually returning wealth and prosperity to the people of THIS country, the United States of America. Some of us prefer the socialist view were the corrupt as fuck Government will decide every single decision for you. Bernie Sanders woke me up to the revolution, but I quickly learned during the General Election 2016 that Bernie Sanders is a controlled opposition tool the Deep State uses to divide and conquer us. Bernie Sanders is a Deep State hack.

We cannot trust Bernie Sanders at all. He is parading around the United States with Tom Perez, another rigged Democratic Election, trying to convince people to support the Democrats like senile Nancy Pelosi, senile Maxine Waters, and (alleged pedophile) Chucky Schumer. CreepyChucky right. Those two “major Democratic leaders” are partnering with a senile pedophile, and alleged POW, John McCain and pedophile Lindsey Graham (according to Robert David Steele, former CIA analyst). These Senators who are supposed to “represent us” are being blackmailed by the CIA with pedophilia and snuff films to continue to do the bidding of the Shadow Government or the Deep State, according to Robert David Steele.

Donald Trump will lose his base on May 1st including myself. I am the host of the Michael Trimm Show on YouTube who had been hit hard with censorship coming from Eric Schmidt of Google/Alphabet/YouTube. Why am I being censored? Why was my advertising cut from over $2,000/month down to $15/month? I reported on Pro-Trump topics. I reported on Pro-America topics. I reported on Pizzagate (or Pedogate). I reported on the truth. I will report your downfall.

We are in a civil war.

On May 1st we will abandon Donald Trump and probably push very hard for his impeachment. Don’t worry, we don’t like Pence either. We’ll push for his impeachment too. And Paul Ryan’s impeachment. And anybody else who thinks they can hide the truth from us, when Wikileaks has done the entire world the greatest service in modern history. Julian Assange is a hero, not a criminal. He deserves a thousand Nobel Peace Prizes, as opposed to our war criminal former President Barack Obama, who received a Nobel Peace Prize shortly after becoming President while expanding his illegal drone warfare program with the collusion of Hillary Clinton on a private email server – committing treason against the United States.
We know the truth! We will have a revolution if Donald Trump does not cut the shit with the CIA and take the advice of former NSA whistleblower William Binney and former CIA Analyst Robert David Steele. Steele’s advice is to completely shut down the NSA. We need to move 30% of it that was created by William Binney, which costs $9M/year to operate and is 99% effective (as opposed to BILLIONS of dollars a year and is incapable of preventing a terrorist attack blowing up an I-85 bridge outside Atlanta, Georgia) and move that into the CIA. We need to then cut the entire CIA in half. We need to close all of the “military bases” around the world (we have over 1,000 of them). They are “lily pads” for trafficking drugs, organs, and children. Pizzagate is real. John Podesta’s emails opened that can of worms and exposed the world of Spirit Cooking and pedophilia that the elites in Washington enjoy. It’s fucking disgusting.

Okay, so what does Donald Trump need to do by May 1st?

  1. Pardon Julian Assange and drop all cases against Wikileaks. Wikileaks got you elected dumbass. Ever have a pet? We teach our pets “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” We are the ones who rely on Wikileaks to get the truth from the Fake News Media like CNN, MSNBC, etc.
  2. Introduce and pressure Congress (don’t worry, we’ll help) to pass the Electoral Reform Act of 2017 as recommended by Robert David Steele.
  3. Get Jeff Sessions in line or replace him. We want the Clinton Foundation associates PROSECUTED and JAILED for treason, child sex trafficking, election fraud, and racketeering. Americans also do not give a shit about marijuana like Jeff Sessions does. The War on Drugs is a CIA operation to enslave our black community and ruin people’s lives. It’s just a plant with hundreds of medical applications that threaten the establishment of the pharmaceutical industry. We know why it’s illegal. It’s not a schedule 1 drug, despite what you believe. Facts are facts and they are not subject to anybody’s beliefs.
  4. Start taking down Pizzagate. We want high level politicians taken down. We want the CIA exposed for being Israel/Mossad’s bitch.
  5. Open a formal investigation into the death of Seth Rich.
  6. Open a formal investigation into the Awan Brothers.
  7. Full Disclosure of Alien Technology and Black Budget Air Force and Navy Space Programs. Seek council of Dr. Steven M. Greer.

This list is far from over. You promised us AmericaFirst but all that you’ve done in your nearly first 100 days is put #IsraelFirst and that is treason. We will take you down. We will have you impeached.

Why has Donald Trump abandoned AmericaFirst and put IsraelFirst? According to Robert David Steele, it’s one of a few possibilities:

  1. He is being blackmailed with a snuff film of killing a two-year-old girl that Mossad/CIA have and are using to control him.
  2. He was always a Deep State candidate and he spent the last 2 years lying at every single turn to the American People, pretending to be the voice of change, but really just a sell out like Bernie Sanders and performed Controlled Opposition Psychological Warfare against the American People.
  3. He has this master plan to take down the Deep State and is playing 3-D chess right now with Putin and Assad. If so, start taking down the CIA drug/organ/child trafficking ring known as Pizzagate and this will show us that you’re seriously putting AmericaFirst.
  4. Donald Trump has been bought and paid for by the Rothschild’s for $20B to do the bidding of the Deep State.

Do not abandon the base that got you elected to do a job. You work for us. You do not work for the Rothschild’s. We will replace you. You will be a disgrace.

Get in line, Donald Trump, or lose your base and face Impeachment in May 2017.


Seems like you are against everyone, why don't you start lobbying to have the CIA and the FBI and other intelligence agencies disappear, apparently they are the ones responsible for most of the problems according to what I read from your post.

Bingo! We need oversight. A new department, an "Open Source Intelligence" department.

Your tinfoil hat seems to have some seams that are loose, allowing the lizard people to beam messages into your brain.