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RE: Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 1)

in #wikileaks8 years ago

Thank you @perceptualflaws

I'm certain that Alex Jones is controlled opposition. I named him in my CO article 9 months ago. I believe that Assange is the new version of Alex Jones only far more intelligent, sophisticated and crafty. Alex has shared a lot of truth, particularly early in his career. Assange is doing the same thing now.

Lot's of smoke and mirrors going on I'm afraid.


@steemtruth No problem and thank you for the reply. Yes I must say I've come to the same conclusion. With regards to Assange he is certainly more nuanced, refined and intelligent than Jones, but equally I feel Jones is playing to certain demographic. I listen to the way he talks and his speeches often contain repeating patterns of ideas and words, engineering trains of thought within certain listeners. Indeed as time has gone on he seems to be creating greater polarity through generalisation. It's often not so much as what he says but what he doesn't, a missed word here and there can create an entirely different spin on a topic without lying or the majority noticing. Sorry to have gone a little off topic, it was just that this post got me thinking of connections between Assange, Trump & Jones as I remembered Jones speaking at length about Assange during the election cycle. I suppose though that is a compliment in itself because your words really captured my train of thought. Thanks again