You know the news and everyone else wouldn't be running around the internet trying to find out information on this murder if the police had done their job nearly a year ago. How is it that in this day in age of gunshot microphones, cameras on every street corner and yet nearly one year later Seth Rich hasn't even had a suspect named a police sketch or even a reward offered by the DNC. No instead you end up with Pharma Bro Martin Shkreli donating 100k to find out who the killer is. You end up with the only network OAN doing stories on Seth Rich except for nobody watched their channel. The broadcaster to actually ask a few questions, Sean Hannity is now on vacation and probably will be fired over a "fake" news story. You know when they've struck a nerve when they defend their insanity by acting like children who don't get their way. Fire someone, scream like babies and deflect from the hard evidence.
Why else if there was nothing to this case and it was just a robbery with nothing stolen, then why would have Debbie Wasserman-Schultz threatening the police chief on the phone over a laptop they held as evidence in not only Seth Rich's case but also the Awan Brothers case, which is a whole other issue the DNC is trying to cover up. My big question that nobody seems to know is this ; Did the Awan brothers who were IT staff for the DNC and high ranking members on intelligence committees find out through key logs that Seth Rich had retrieved data that he may or may not been allowed to access then giving that info to either Wikileaks directly or indirectly ? If so then you know a big reason why these Awan brothers ran off to Pakistan real quick. If it was just a botched robbery and a wrong place wrong time scenario then everyone would accept that but when the police's inaction leads to more questions than answers you end up with conspiracy theories running abound and the news media all to happy to go along as the mockingbird media does.
So for the ones out there digging into this story and uncovering all sorts of new information we need to stay vigilante the pressure is on them and the DNC knows its starting to snowball. Why else would CNN put out a hit piece over the weekend about the "conspiracy" surrounding Seth Rich? They know they've lost the narrative in this story. They lost the narrative because Seth Rich destroys the Russian hacking scandal out of the water. When desperate to cover up your misdeeds you make mistakes. These mistakes could bring down a whole political party.
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You're making the right points. It's an Infowar out there! Spread the word and drain that beltway swamp! (Like your graphic BTW - keep it going!)
They create the conspiracy, then call people conspiracy theorist who point out a few basic questions. That swamp is deep and it is not happy right now. Trump is doing the right thing by calling them out. Thank you for the support!
Thank YOU for speaking truth!
That is all I strive to do.
Check out independent researcher George Webb's YouTube channel. It's very interesting.
I love George. I know people are questioning him and his motives but the Awan Brothers is all him and the info he has uncovered. This is the 500lb gorilla in the room and people can't ignore it much longer.
Sad thing in all of this is I'm not a democrat and I voted for Trump, yet I seem to care more about a Bernie supporting democrat than the DNC itself. NO matter where this investigation goes we just want the truth.
Here is a comprehensive Seth Rich piece with all the latest info, "Yes, the DNC had Seth Rich Murdered, Here is How I Know.":