7 most shocking leaks from Wikileaks

in #wikileaks5 years ago

That Wikileaks is famous for its leaks, we all already know. However, over the years, some leaks drew more attention than others.

These ranged from videos of the war in Iraq to classified war documents. Thinking about it, we separated some leaked facts that shocked the world, check below.

1 - Collateral Murder

This video was released in mid-2010 and showed an Apache helicopter attack on civilians who were mistaken for terrorists.

2 - War Diary - Chelsea Manning

WikiLeaks also released thousands of classified documents depicting the Iraq War.

The documents in question showed that the US army had killed thousands of civilians in unreported incidents.

These documents were leaked by former American Intelligence analyst Bradley Mannig.

3 - Guantanamo Documents

WikiLeaks leaked several documents revealing the daily lives of prisoners in Guantanamo, these documents were crucial in revealing how the US government was conducting things there. This leak was also called "War Horrors", several cases of torture were exposed in this leak.

4 - Messages from the September 11 Attack

There were 573,000 messages intercepted during the 9/11 bombing, these messages were from family members trying to contact their loved ones and government officials.

5 - NSA and CIA Hacking Documents

In addition to leaking documents regarding the NSA and CIA hacking attack, Wikileaks has created a series of articles releasing the source code of the hacking tools obtained during the attack.

6 - Hillary Clinton, Democratic Party, American Elections

The American election race was very fierce, candidates were struggling to see who would win the presidency of the country.

It was in the midst of this dispute that WikiLeaks leaked hundreds of private emails from candidate Hillary Clinton, John Podesta Hillary's campaign president and the Democratic Party.

7 - WikiLeaks and the leaked emails from Emmanuel Macron

There were about 20,000 emails leaked from Emmanuel Macron's campaign, which had been hacked months before.

As we can see, several leaks have caused many political upheavals. For this reason Wikileaks has always been hated and its founding target of prosecutions and arrests.