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RE: White House: US, Ecuador Coordinating About Future Of Assange Asylum

in #wikileaks7 years ago

Caitlin, thank you for staying on this story, Assanges's situation is untenable and I have the feeling that things might start shifting soon, and not necessarily for the best. There is a big movement in support of him, and I am wondering if, taking the cue from Pence's letter, we don't need to step things up sooner than later.
A large number of influential people have spoken and are speaking up. Petitions are going around. I am wondering if it might be a good strategy to go back to the good old-fashioned pen and paper method in addition to what is already being done.
I have this fantasy that if millions of people wrote, we could inundate each node with the physical evidence (bags and bags of mail) of support of Assange. You can delete emails. Online petitions don't take any space and one million signatures has as much effect as one thousand. Moving from virtual to real could be impressive.
The targets of this mail campaign would be as follows: the UK Prime Minister, the embassador of Ecuador in London, the president of Ecuador, Pence, Trump, the Ecuador ambassador in Washington, the Australian High Commissioner in London, the Australian Prime Minister (and whoever you think should be added to this list). What I have been thinking about is creating letter templates for each target (and in the case of Ecuador including thanks, appreciation and some subtle advance shaming if they go back on their magnanimous gesture) and making them available online pretty much ready to go.
If we could initially divvy up the task of composing the templates (not forgetting to include the relevant mailing address on each letter for ease of use) among a handful of volunteers assigned a particular target with a daily quick turnaround time, then making these templates available for reproduction, the mass movement could be somewhat of a no-brainier to implement. Print, sign, lick the stamps, mail. I'd be interested to know what you think of the idea, whether it's feasible etc. (I am willing to take a template over the weekend)