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RE: Julian Assange Removed from Twitter + Alts | Deep State Files 700TB Vault 9 + 10

in #wikileaks7 years ago

Damn, I just looked at this and his Twitter account says:

Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!

We've all been waiting for some sort of significant drop from wikileaks.
700 Tb! That's a mammoth leak and the fact that it's reportedly named the Deep State Files Vault 9 / Vault 10... this is massive news.

Thanks for this @defango

This is a yyuge christmas present from Wikileaks!


I'd going to be hard to even move that around, Just think about how long it took to digitally archive the information! it was on paper!

Seriously, it's a huge undertaking! Like you mentioned in the video, 700 Tb is going to be extremely difficult to move / download. I'm sure we can expect wikileaks to be hit with massive ddos attacks as soon as they try to release it. I wonder what kind of distribution method and/or contingency plans WL has worked out in advance. I mean a dataset this big could take years to properly parse through.

I'm also wondering how much of this is legit and how much is speculation -

Osama Bin Laden was on the Clinton Foundation’s payroll for most of his life, and Hillary even had a revenge affair with Bin Laden after her husband was impeached for sexual misconduct.”

Can you imagine how this would blow the minds of the majority of Americans if something like this had documented hard evidence?! goddamn!

seriously major shit, I want to see the good myself. I'm not even sure how one person could have all that data or transfer it with out some crazy DNA Compression

Best Wishes from the Coin Man...

@pocketechange has been parked for over a year for just this reason.
I don't talk to Julian on a regular basis... too busy trolling my own Tribe over to this Blockchain tool to run around trying to get Mr. Assange's Ass covered. My point being, this info is very important, but so is JA's ability to communicate effectively with the outside world. M'just sayin... my two cents : /