The correct term for somebody who opposes the teachings of Islam would be anti-islam and those opposed to practitioners of Islam, Muslims, would be anti-muslim while people with an irrational fear of the teachings of Islam, I mean panic at the mention of the subject, would be islamophobic suffering from Islamophobia and I suggest they go see a phsycologist, the same if they're suffering from Muslamophobia; now if your bigoted toward people from the Middle-East you would be an anti-Semite or against people who speak the Semitic languages. God damn it I love words :)
I think you can be opposed to Islam and still not be anti-Islam unless everyone not willing to convert to Islam is considered anti-Islam. I also think the same about anti-Muslim. like I think I can be opposed to the teachings of Islam but not have a problem with the group of people as a whole. There are plenty of good people that think they are Muslim that I do not oppose.
At the same time thinking your a dog and wearing a dog suit does not make you a dog.
people with real phobias do need to see a phsycologist. it is a serious medical condition and using phobia to describe people because of negative thoughts does a disservice to people that really have phobias.
Isn't anti-Semite and semitic languages the jews? Im going to have to look it up now. lol
Thank you for your comment! I will try to get the next part of the page out in a day or two.
Hey @skeptic I was pointing out that the words that identity politically minded people use do not hold to their correct meaning, they are used for their emotional value and control narrative. The 'anti' prefix is best translated as 'against' as in to work against and 'phodia' is translated as fear. Here is another one for you homophobia translated to 'fear of that which is the same' it is a nonsense word, used in the context of people it says you fear that which you are. When people use these words you should demand clarification, that is the only way to get to the root of what they are accusing you of. Let's say I say your anti-islam well you might ask me if I meant you where against the Islamic religion as a whole, a position you can defend without being bigoted, so then I say no I mean you don't like Muslims well maybe you don't or maybe you don't like radicals, again being anti-radical would not be a bigoted position. The regressive left is very concerned about language, they understand the power of language to develop and communicating ideas or in their case police language and control ideas. Judge people by the content of their character and you can hold your head up high.
Said perfectly.
Gave upvote. 8D