Seen by few and hated by most!
The Mole is an underground original. Yes, they have messed up some of my yards and gardens over the years too, but they are some strange and cool looking individuals.
In this video, I mention a few of the lesser-known characteristics of the mole, like their ability to breathe in low-oxygen environments and their toxic saliva.
These guys are some solid little creatures, almost like a miniature soda can. Whether you actually like these creatures or not, you should at least be able to enjoy the video. Also, it is probably not a good idea to pick them up, even though I have...
The information is the video is original but I did have a quick refresher from this source.
If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
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Do not linger long just we introduce a moment that can make real money to the pocket of friends gentlemen.ini him steemit ....follow me @jakir
Jesus that things is nasty. It looks like a miniature possum. Still...I love all animals, and it's cool to find out more information. Thanks for doing the research that most wouldn't want to do! lol
Thank you for appreciating the content and enjoying what I am putting out there.
Dude that creature is UGLY!! Thanks for the close up view though!!
Really peculiar little beast, isn't it?
How did you catch it? And I really didn't think they were that big. Big claws too!!
Hey - I watched the video now. How do you know all that info on all these creatures?
Actually, one of the neighbor boys caught this one and brought it over. I don't even remember how I caught the one last year...
I know quite a bit about some creatures, but give myself a quick review online before recording.
There's a shovel trick where you wait for the ground to move then scoop and flip. I've only done the whack a mole after that... I'd never grab half the shit you do lol
How did you catch her? Did you use a trap or something? It seems like snatching one up would get you bit in a hurry.
Thanks for the post. That's one crazy looking animal.
A neighbor brought this one over. It does look crazy!
it is interesting seeing all the animals you read about as a kid, show up on Papa's friend's pages.
Our worms are glad to have missed out on that 'free luncher',
LOL, yeah, they'll show up here eventually!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!
What the hell!, the teeth on that mole will take out a finger tip. That guy is scary...
Yeah, a strange toothy little guy. I agree, they look nasty and dangerous.
likes pleas
wooa the little hands look so strange
and the teeth! weird creature, cute tho
Nice post as usual @papa-pepper Thanks!!
Really interesting animal once you get a good look at it.
True he really looks like a little shark

thank you for this nice explanation and video
you da men SteemOn
Glad that you liked it! Good thing they stay underground!
yeah, nobody wants to be bitten by a little Shark LOL
I know plenty of people who make mountains out of molehills ;)
I do too!
That's a gnarly lookin critter!
So is your avatar! Thank you!
Lol thanks. Fun with the PicsArt app
OMG moles are the scariest looking little gremlans lol. It's funny I don't see too many pics of them but they are actually quite fascinating creatures.
Not a lot of people really get good looks at them. Gremlins indeed. I think it looks like a furry can of soda with a little shark head on it!
bahaaa lol there is something oddly mysterious about a creature without eyes. Is it the only mammal without eyes or is there more?
There are some insects and fish in caves that are completely blind, but as far as mammals, I think that perhaps the Star-Nosed Mole may be the only completely blind one. Good question.
Is it dangerous? Its cute but look like scarry @papa-pepper
The bites can be nasty, so don't let them bite you!
Ohhh i see... really scarry but its cute to have some pets like that, really cool...
These little guys are actually pretty creepy! But very interesting! Always fun to see what animal you choose to get up close and personal with. 😊
Yeah, creepy little burrowing monsters.
@Mama-pepper likes your name too!
Send my thanks to @Mama-pepper! 😊
She got the message!
Thanks @bien!
My pleasure @papa-pepper
Love your stuff! Keep it up
LOL - Glad you like it!
He's kind of cute in an alien-looking kind of way! I never knew about their saliva being toxic. Good to know! Our dog Rascal frequently brings them up to the house after digging them up and killing them. I ❤️ this series! Keep them coming!
Of, the #wild-man has not run out of friends yet! Thanks for the encouragement!
Of course!
That mole looks exactly like that animal I have nightmares about, except it has opposable thumbs.
Sorry to bring back the nightmares!
haha, the real nightmare is waking up and knowing my steem power has not regenerated! :P
That thing looks like it wants to take a bite out of you!
It sure did!
Awesome!!! This is great! I've always wanted to see one with a star nose.
Yeah, the Star-nosed Mole would be cool to meet!
nice photos. upvoted it & following u . i posted about human soul on my blog. hope u will like it please upvote it. thanks!
Moles are so damn ugly, they are cute!
Thank you for this awesome post!
Thank you for enjoying it! I'll keep them coming!
Nice, like you said, they are like sharks... little underground worm eating sharks.
Haha, awesome video. We used to see a lot of these around our farm in Mississippi. The dogs would usually find them first. Or the cats.
I am glad that you appreciated the video @timbo. It was great to talk to you the other night!
Indeed it was a great video! I was very blessed by our conversation!
I think its a beautiful creature! Is very cute but also weird and a little scary. Very interesting! Its a shame that here in Uruguay we dont have MOLE. And thank you, I know more about it!
Since you do not have your own, you can enjoy mine! Thanks for watching and for checking it out.
I'm so glad you did this. This is the first Wild Friend video I've watched of yours but now I am going to have to go back and watch the rest (this is when your good filter suggestion would come in handy! Ugh!).
I once got to touch a mole, MAN THEY'RE RIDICULOUSLY SOFT!
Thanks for sharing, I am really impressed by their teeth! Who knew!?
I linked all the previous ones in the comment section here.
Great post friend! Have a great day.
Thank you! I will.
they are still in existence for a reason..playing a part in the food chain and the ecosystem in general
Yup, they were created for a reason, and they are some pretty cool little dudes!
Haha,awesome :)
"Because he's just crazy cool." That's a great answer. :)
As always, great content, papa-pepper. It's pretty amazing to see one of these up close like that. Thank you.
That is why we are friends! Thanks for watching man!
@papa-pepper what a cool video! Ive never seen moles before! This animal is really ugly hahah greetings from Spain mate! :)
I am glad that you liked it and enjoyed it! Thanks!
Oh man!! Hahahaha! That is AWESOME, and I don't think I have the guts that you have. Or maybe I just need to get more confident with wild animals. With less teeth.
On our future homestead we are going to have a ton or wild animals and wild pests. I know we'll have some gophers...have you ever seen a gopher? I would love to see you grab one of those!
Thanks Papa, that was highly fun to watch. 😀👍🏻
Thanks so much for letting me now.
Awesome post! Very informational. Upvoted!
Thank you for the post i was looking for someone who in my interest and i exactly found @papa-pepper just followed you and uprooted, I love all your stories thank you again...
Thanks! I try to keep things fun, engaging, educational and entertaining! I am glad to hear that you liked it!
Whoah Mr. Mole, what great teeth you have! Yup, it definitely does not like being held but it thus appear to be fairly relaxed in your grasp, save for the few attempts to bite your fingers lol. Didn't know about its toxic saliva - hope it's only toxic for the worms and not for us humans whew!
I'm a big fan of this series Papa - just showed a couple of your "Wild Friends" to my family and now they're hooked too. Can't wait to meet your next cool lil critter!
Great! The whole family is enjoying it then! Thanks.
Most definitely Papa, we all can't wait for the next video! :)
Wicked! Isn't it?
Sure is! :P
We had moles in my yard growing up, but they were tiny little things. That one could do some damage.
Yeah, it sure could bring the damage, both underground and above!
good series mate. waiting for the next one.
Glad to hear it! Thanks @rejakul!
welcome dude.
I actually like Moles, cool wee creatures.
Funny story. When I was 12 I found 13 baby moles behind our garage under some planks. Not knowing what they were, I scooped them up, put in a cardboard box and fed them with an eye dropper. My dad kept telling me to get them out of the house. As they got bigger, unbeknownst to me, while I was school they escaped. 13 moles loose in the house. Never could find them. To a kid they are cute, to an adult, ugly little annoyances we try to defeat. Safe to say I won't be mother to moles ever again, lol
Cool story!
Great post @papa-pepper, Moles have awesome front paws, I love the way they have evolved into perfect little digging tools. I'm guessing from the selection of danger noodles in your posts that you live in somewhere in the Eastern United States?
Arkansas at the moment.
Close then :)
Wow, what animal is that?
I never thought of the fact that they would have to be able to survive in an oxygen deprived environment living underground. Those teeth look vicious!
ainnns ... That little animal is so CUTE!!
Yes, and very soft, too!
You are so brave with such a brave that I am really afraid and do not dare to tear it down if there is such an animal in front of me. What's more with the snake I was really scared of snakes and I got it :D
Do not forget to stop by my blog ya papa :)Nice Post and vidio @papa-pepper :D
is this real mole? I havent seen it ever! Thank you for this post
That's crazy that you found one those little guys. He didn't look like too happy of a critter though. Lol. Great job as usual good sir. :)
Yeah, he was not used to people picking him up!
Well atleast you didn't take one for the team. Lol
Ah Hell NAH uhu, nope...
I wish that the coming day was bright and cheerful, framed by a sunny smile, an excellent evening and incredible mood, capable of creating unreal things and achieving insane success in everything!