in #wild-man7 years ago

I know that some people wanted me to share a creature that wasn’t a reptile, so here you go!

Honestly, @papa-pepper enjoys just about every animal that he encounters and he appreciates the specific roles that each animal was designed to fulfill.


The Raccoon (Procyon lotor) is a very interesting mammal. These mostly nocturnal omnivores can easily be recognized due to their body shape, “mask” and ringed tail. Though they can be a nuisance for some people in certain situations, they are still an incredibly created animal that deserves our care and concern.

Though some people have actually kept Raccoons as pets, ultimately their home is in the wild, which is where this one lives. He was quite defensive, but eventually I got him to cooperate long enough to make a short educational video. The information shared is just head knowledge, with a brief refresher from this source



To see the Episode 1 of “The Wild-man’s Wild Friends” click the link below:

If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



The video was awesome @papa-pepper! Did he have any other siblings nearby?

I do not know. He's the only little one we've seen.

Nevertheless, very awesome how you maneuvered him around to follow you. Additionally, thank you for your other videos shared! I have been watching some of your videos this afternoon and appreciate all the advice you have given.

Thank you so much for that. I do try to help and am glad that you appreciate my efforts.

Credit should be given where credit is due. I hope to bring more people to your content because it is very informative and just awesome content!

Wow. Thank you so much for your kind words.

nice info wow
'Grate Escape' Saves a Life: Cape Wildlife Center Staff and Others Free Raccoon from Storm Grate

Cape Wildlife Center staff and others free raccoon from storm grate

All Animals magazine, November/December 2015

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
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I bet there is not one day that is boring at the pepper ranch. Great video my friend. Be carefull. Has theee ever been on animal that you where scared to film or get close to?

Ummm.... not sure... I'll let you know.

I certainly understand that there is potential danger and some risks involved, but I am comfortable with that.

You are an interesting guy. I love the variety you come up with and the transparent expression of your self. Keep On!

Amazing how much he "cooperated." I had forgotten about them washing their food. They are interesting and adaptable creatures.

They "wash" their food to soften the pads of their "hands," so they can better understand what they're holding. This is so they can find food underwater while looking around for predators. :-)

Crikey, not something I've ever looked at closely before. I can't get over how long the toes are on that little fella. I always imagined them to have paws and be less articulate.

That and I spent the whole video expecting it to pounce at you!

I only found you today but I'm hooked. Keep it up good sir!

Omg! So adorable!! Love the post!! :) Upvoted and followed!! Have a great day! :)

I saw this info after ive read your post hope you inyou it.

You're a veritable Raccoon Whisperer! Can you petition them to leave my trash cans alone?

nice....your post deserve my upvote and resteem....

Another great video of a very cute creature. The closest thing we have to raccoons in the UK is the badger which can be as much of a nuisance by going through rubbish bins, making a mess of our gardens and generally terrorising cats. Incredibly noisy when they get caught up in a fight with other badgers, not great as they are nocturnal too and tend to disturb the peace.

Thanks for sharing

Interesting. A Badger fight would be wild to watch!

It can get quite intense. I live on the edge of countryside so get visited quite regularly and woken up by their God awful noise. Imagine the noise of a strangled cat but deeper and louder....that's close

I like the close up picture,,, look like jimmy Durante..

racoon's are cute on the outside.
but don't be fooled.
and never.
not ever
corner an old He'coon.
you'll regret it if you do.

TRUTH!!!! lol

Duly noted.

Good to see animal lovers here! :D :D:

We love them, we love them all!

you're so awesome : )

Really? Glad that you think so!

Enjoyable video, glad you got him to pose for you. They're such amazing little creatures; they can collapse their spines and become pancake flat und slither under garage doors or cracks in wooden sheds and then innocently smile at you when you find them inside. Glad yours is out in the wild.

Yeah, we are glad he's wild too! I don't need one running around in the house!

Damn! They're so cute!

This raccoon has a load of cuteness ready to capture the viewers. It must be fun out there.

I love the turtle!

Watched it dear.

Papa pepper is awesome

I followed and upvote you. Can you please do this same for me. Thanks, Lov U.

Great post as always @papa-pepper! Those little masked bandits are extremely interesting (and creepy to many) creatures! My friend has one he rescued and keeps it as a pet. It was orphaned as a baby and is unfit to be released into the wild due to it's acclimation towards humans!

I've know a few pet Raccoons in my day too. Thanks man!

You got a video too, that's awesome! I had no idea they could live as long as 20 years. Crazy!

Yeah, this one took almost 10 takes to get. Eventually I was able to move enough to keep it still.

Another post paying as good as your usual and a bit of training Pinky Pepper could become a world renowned cameraman filming you doing your interviews.

Awesome, My aunt had three raccoons she saved as babies. Never had one in captivity for more than a year and a half. They sure are wild at heart. Great interaction with that one though. very cool.

Awesomeness. Upvoted and followed. Looking forward to more!

I had a raccoon we saved when her mother died when she was just 4 weeks old when I was 12. ( I am 35 now). She lived in our house in Arkansas until I was 22. Roxanne was the coolest pet we ever had. (Lots of dogs and cats) She brushed her teeth twice a day and went to the bathroom in the toilet. My parents still feed all the raccoons on their island. They have had as many as 30 come at night to be fed. They bring their babies too. Some of them will knock on the glass door and look in if they haven't put out the food. They are such beautiful animals. Great video!

Awesome video and great post. Followed. I had a semi pet raccoon for a couple of years when I was just a kid. He was great company but he was also a thief. Lol. He kept stealing my sandwiches. But he always stayed in the wild but when I came home from school he would usually meet me for whatever scraps I had left in my lunchbox. Brings back fond memories. Great post. Thanks

Nice balacing act ☺


I like that reptil..could you like to follow me @safran

I like the turtle

Very informative and entertaining as usual. 😀

papa-pepper you truly unique, though wild friends!

Just one question, because he WAS a bit scared, do you think he would've attacked you if you would have made any quick movements towards him? just, are they defensive in general or only if challenged?

@papa-pepper, love the raccoon bit. I have one (not in captivity) living here on my property who is tame with me, though not with anyone else. She is my writing buddy--comes inside most nights and sits with me while I work. She's 22 pounds, and yes, I did have her vaccinated for rabies, as well as the dogs diseases like parvo and distemper, and cat diseases like panleukopenia. Coons can get all of those. She is also regulary dewormed. I can handle her fine, but heaven help anyone else who might try. LOL She plays with certain dogs here in the rescue and knows the ones who are safe. I love her dearly. She's almost two years old now, and I suspect she'll probably live a long time, because she's pretty safe in the trees just outside my window, where she spends most of her time. And I make sure she's fed well. However, I can't imagine anyone who'd want to make an actual pet out of a raccoon. I will only let her into the room where she climbs through the window, and she has destroyed the drywall in places, several computer keyboards, and chewed through more cords than I can count. Like the tasmanian devil on crack. But I just can't tell her no when she comes begging. LOL Photo of her sitting with me at this link:

I find it amazing you can not only find these animals but actually get it on camera. Wel done.

Ok after watching most of your posts🤣 I like this one the best. The raccoon for the win.