in #wild-man8 years ago

I've always enjoyed Map Turtles and now I am finally getting some experience with them!

Map Turtles are an interesting group of turtles. Their name comes from the patterns on their shells that resemble topographical or contour maps. Back in Wisconsin, we had three species, but since they are mostly found in bigger rivers, I never encountered them in my area.

Accurate identification of these can be tricky, but I believe that the ones I have here are Mississippi Map Turtles. Enjoy the video.

The information is the video is original but I did have a quick refresher from this source.



If you enjoyed this video, please consider thanking @thelivingpoet for encouraging me to make it!

here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

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So cool! You're like my own personal discovery channel! 🙌🏼

Glad that you think so!

turtle cuteness overload!
it looks a bit like a giant green turtle so cute! haha

sometimes they get married ?

hahah on that papa thanks!

Yup same here :p


So interesting as usual :p

Aww the baby turtle is the cutest. I always had a fascination and love for turtles because of the teenage mutant ninja turtles haha.

I found a recently preserved turtle. Preserving turtles in Indonesia is illegal because sea turtles are protected. For green turtle eggs and scaly turtles, if the population is excessive, may eat it, but only outside the conservation area. Read more, I wrote about it at the following link:

Thanks a lot for @papa-pepper to sharing the map turtle.

awesome turtle @papa-pepper

Thank you! I think that they are really cool too!

but ninja turtle is very very cool papa :D

Hi just want you to know that my kids enjoy reading your blog..they're very educational..

Hey @papa-pepper , have you ever eaten turtle before?

Yes I have, but as far as I can recall, it was only Snapping Turtles.

Never eaten any myself, but I can imagine that they all taste pretty much the same!

You do some cool stuff. that's why i followed you. I updated - followed and commented. I will appreciate if you do the same. Thank you for your posts

oh man. it's so cute

@papa-pepper is one of the best in wild life action . congrats

Thank you for that compliment.

I have an African Leopard Tortuous that is Hell on Fire, I believe in free range for my turtle Alex. He runs around the yard and the house like he owns the place, I sometimes think I should named him Bulldozer, I already changed his name once, it was Alice ( in wonderland ),

but it turns out he's Alex in wonderland. Big Al for short.

LOL - Thanks for that comment! That sounds like a lot of fun!

Nice post. Love this series. Can't wait for more! Thank you

I'll try to keep them coming.

Great info! I have seen (and caught) these turtles before...but never knew what species. I learn something new with each of your posts! Thanks!

Cool video man, I love this series. Good stuff

Wow .. beautiful turtles .. just this time I saw such beautiful turtle, it can be a funny and cute pet .. please visit me have steemit sometime to follow and vote I have article later.

Please help, i am beginner in steemit 👌👌👍

Turtle friends! I like that, i guess u have many other aquatic friends...

Lovely video, thank you @papa-pepper! I had two of these or a very similar variety in an aquarium, they were called red-eared turtles because they had red markings where the ears would have been. I inherited them from my nieces one summer, I was supposed to turtle-sit them while my sister's family was on vacation and when they returned my nieces got a rabbit instead so the turtles stayed with me for 10 years...

I'm already following you please follow me. Thanks.

Awesome! You ever come across any alligator snapping turtles there? I met a guy from Akransas once who was breeding them. Said he was 1 of 3 people who were licensed to do it, and he made like $60k a year from it. Mostly selling to China apparently. You know anything about that?

And now im hooked @papa-pepper .. Gonna start from episode 1 now... :)

That is a good looking turtle family. Cool patterns on skin and shell. Thanks for sharing with us.

Really it's amazing video and awesome pic.

At home I live trachemys Philadelphia. I got her from friend in a glass jar. And now she moved to the aquarium. That gave it to me

Cool))) I like turtles)))

@ papa-pepper Very Cool Post . So Cute Turtules . I wish I could Hold Them once. That would be awesome Feeling. I always Like Your Posts , very unique and Interesting. Keep Exploring and Share your Wonderful Experiences. Thanks Buddy. Have a Nice Day. :)

wow. it's cool

I honestly look forward to your posts every day. I lived in Louisiana for 22 years and

Nice to follow your blogs, impressive how you handle the animals. Go out and find some more :-)

I think the big one was feeling shy in front of the camera :)
nice post. I learn a lot about animals from your post

@papa-pepper, when seeing these videos, you seem to fit so right in with nature and the wilderness, feels kinda odd to think of you with a computer later. :)

Woowww...amazing turtle...papa-pepper is an geo wild in steemit...

Love the wild turtles! They are so chill. Thanks papapeppa!

Cool :)

Matthew 5:16 Let your light shine before men,that thay me see your good works..and glorify your Father which is in to papa-pepper..

Very cool. We love turtles here. :D My son had a red-eared slider that grew so big that we put it outside into our pond to allow it more space.

Turtles are awesome. :D

Wow, what beautiful creatures. I love the pattern esp on the smaller one cute. Thank you for sharing

Adorable pets. You're really a wild-man! Are you not afraid?? Haha..amazing!

I'm not afraid of these much. Most wild animals are not that bad.

Ohw..i see, that's good..

Thanks for sharing this!

Thanks again for another installment. These guys are really cool. Always quite like turtles although we don't really get them here.

Cool, I have more turtles to feature in the future!

Looking forward to it. I always fancied a turtle as a pet but would need a large lake I think. You never know on day :)

I've never heard of "map turtles". Now that you put the video of the on your blog you put them on the Steemit map!

That's cool @papa-pepper! Very interesting you are telling! Thanks for the fantastic video!

Are you working with Animal Planet ?

Not yet...

hmm right, i am following you even comment and voted on most of you post, would you like to see my own posts resteemless?

Was the turtle shy in the last photo? 🐢

Yup, it sure was.

@papa-pepper run wild on steemit-channel!

Big turtle family:) interesting post, thank you!

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @papa-pepper!

  • Upvotes - Ranked 8 with 459 upvotes

Turtles are great! I had a super cool experience with a sea turtle. Right after I scattered my moms ashes in the Lanai Channel I went for an open water swim.
about a half mile into the swim this huge sea turtle swam right under me, he was huge. I swamanother half mile then turned around and he swam under me again! It really was a spritual thing. Thanks for all your posts...I am a fan!