He is really cute!
He must have been terrified to be picked up that he literally shit himself! :P
Love the post!
Didn't know they carried leprosy :0
Upvoted! <3
Have a good day!
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He is really cute!
He must have been terrified to be picked up that he literally shit himself! :P
Love the post!
Didn't know they carried leprosy :0
Upvoted! <3
Have a good day!
This should maybe be episode 1 of the new series: The Wild-man’s Wild Enemies! Friends don't hold fearful friends up in front of a rolling camera to the point of shitting themselves. C'mon it's like rule 1 in Friendship.
He was just new to the publicity.
Papa the wild man
hmm.. though they are cute
I'm still trying to shake the thought that you could get lepra from those cute creatures
but then its curable these days already
I hope you don't have any open would in your hands @papa-pepper!
He'll catch up soon and feel more confident in front of the camera you say : )
I like the natural dress of this kind of animal which definitely help him/her in cold.
Wow! That's one cool looking animal! Note to self: when lifting a armadillo never hold his ass towards your face 💩
Have a nice day and remember.. GoCoconuts