Okay, so I'm not sure if this is a lady, but I can't resist a Hendrix reference.
On my walk from the station the biggest wildlife I usually see is rats that probably feed from the bins. Today there was a fix just wandering around. It didn't seem at all bothered by all the people. Maybe it's after the rats.
Hungry animals may be braver. We have had foxes regularly in our garden, but they've never killed any of our chickens. One did come close once. We have a very secure fence on the chicken run.
Steem on!
A cute little heart breaker...
I could have worked in a Led Zeppelin reference too :)
You got me there...
All I got for that is: What got your attention? Was there a bustle in the hedgerow?
But I don't see a hedgerow in the photo.
I just rambled on whilst looking out for the crosstown traffic
Zeppelin and Hendrix. You win!
Speaking of Hendrix... I've been putting in some time, learning how to play in his style lately.
Coming from a Hard Rock / Heavy Metal background, re learning how to use my thumb on the E string after all those years of trying to keep it behind the neck is proving to be a pain, quite literally, and has demonstrated the importance of warm up exercises before playing.
I'm currently dealing with a bit of tennis elbow as a result.
Don't forget to warm up & stay hydrated.
I'd love to be able to play like him. He had a huge thumb. On the Paul Gilbert course I did he emphasised using the left thumb. I only use it in a few things.
Here on Nørrebro in the middle of the city I have seen some very non-shy foxes. They have learned to live in the city and do not fear humans as much as their rural kin. I have only seen them late in the night though when I biked home.
I don't expect to see them out in daylight like this. Urban foxes are pretty common
Yes, it is pretty uncommon to see it like this.
Hopefully the guy in the first picture isn't on steemit lest he think he's the foxy lady!
Thanks for the (unintended?) chuckle.
Maybe he considers himself foxy. I'll ask next time I see him :)
I'd love to be a fly on the wall for that conversation....haha!
whow, a real english fox - not hunted anymore! ;)
we have foxes here in the country, but they are usually very more shy! :)
They may still be hunted with guns. There are a lot of foxes in towns where they can find enough food. I suppose they get used to people, but I've not seen one around here before
He is a cutie. I kind of miss the foxes we had around the area while I lived up in Alberta (Canada) but here in Washington state we have raccoons. They fill the same eco-niche as foxes and are similarly fun to look at but the dogs have been bitten a couple times from trying to run them off the property. Raccoons aren't very fast but they can be mean and tough.
I don't think we get many attacks by foxes on people, but small children may be at risk. I just heard a friend lost some chickens to a fox.
Yeah, the raccoons generally don't bother people - just pets or trash cans.
It can be rough to loose the animals! My folks have lost chickens and ducks to coyotes. It's never fun but it's really strange how some birds seem to always get away when all the others eventually get taken. My folks have had one bird for a bunch of years now. She's has been impossible to catch by people or coyotes. She hangs around and they feed her even though she is long past good for anything. They figure that if she could hang out for this long she deserves to be cared for!
And the Tory government wants to bring back fox hunting, i bet they would love to get a hold of your chickens Steve.
maybe the fox is looking for the right time for all that
Hungry man is more braver than animal
I still would be careful ®. How did you said they are wild. ^_^
Hungry animals are good until they start throwing themselves at young children.
We have the same number of foxes, they go to people because of hunger, you have to be careful of them you can zarozitsya rabies, and keep their dogs under surveillance.
Amazing. That would just brighten up my day ❤️