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Is this a valid entry @papa-pepper?

Lets choose @papa-pepper this time!


Wow! Now that is an idea... but I was looking for original photos. @mama-pepper took that one.

Another awesome contest from @papa-pepper!

Thanks Dad! The folks seem to like them!

Woah! Is @grandpa-pepper really your dad @papa-pepper? Awesome. :)

Yup, he sure is!

(For my entire life, but only for part of his)

Got it ;)) So cool he is here on steemit! Nice to meet you @grandpa-pepper! :)

A new contest!!! LETS GO STEEMIT

Well this is my entry, you can't imagine how it is difficult take selfies blind, haha.
unnamed (1).jpg

Untitled design (3).jpg

Me getting sucked into the Steemit Matrix entry :)

Your posts are always so entertaining.
I'm looking forward to a signed copy of the papa-pepper softback book when it comes out.

What would be the subject matter of the book? I can write a bit...

Am I a man or a Muppet?

Yes! My first entry! Thanks!


If Ryu and Zangief from Street Fighter had a kid together on Steemit.


Woooohooooo! Now on to round 2! I can enter each round right?

Yes you can, everyone can enter each round as many times as they like. They can even make posts about it too!

you are SO the winner :D

Thank you so much bro, the songs were definitely wild and strange. Congrats to the other winners!

Yeah they were, and you are doing a fantastic job on the audiobook man!

Thank you bro, so glad I can add to its wonderful content already

Oh my god! I didn't expect to turn into a songwriter. I feel official B)

This is awesome, congrats to the winners

Now you've got another claim to fame. Three steemians have published songs using your lyrics! LOL!

Will you be joining us for the photo round now? I'm sure that you can get something going, right?

Hello..can i join..
Ill just post my photo here??

YES ---> "Enter original work and provide your entry in a reply to this post."

I'd like to submit this photo

I took it last weekend on a festival where I played a gig with my brother :)Hey @papa-pepper!

here's the link to the big photo:


Entry #2 Tried to capture some lightning as the storm was coming in but the rain started coming down hard and had to abandon that idea.

Wow, great job getting these in just in time!

Thanks. I've been thinking about it all week, running different ideas thru my head. I almost didn't get the pics taken. I had a project today replacing the steps on our deck (post with pics and videos to come later) and by the time I got that done, cleaned up and ate dinner I was rushing to get pics taken before the storm came in. Doing pics for contests on steemit is fun but projects at home gotta get done first. Happy wife, happy life.

Nice share ma man.
This good post for updating news and for motivating steemians around the world.
You are good writer good job you have done. I like your style and your creation.
If you have time help me to be like you my brother.
With u all became
Thanks for sharing this one.

wackyphoto entry.pngFirst time entering. I'm excited about this contest thanks @papa-pepper :)

AH ! such a COOL photo :D <3<3<3

thanks!! :D


@papa-pepper nice yellow tail caught this morning Steem-ing in the ocean :)

contest Idea 1.jpg

To the Moon!

What does that mean?! @papa-pepper, you like, which is your favorite?

I was hoping to start with actual steemit logos in the photos, but I was commenting about the anti-gravity treadmill, hence the "To the moon!"

"Light Bulb Moment" -Oh gotcha, that was taken in Nebraska.

Good luck everyone! Looking forward to seeing all the crazy creations

Me too! Will you be entering?

Very innovative. Love it. Look froward to seeing the next winner :)

If you want to take a photo of someone with the steemit logo, the next winner may just be you!

Good Luck :)

Jajjajaja, buena suerte a los que participen!!!

This is so nice to see an overview of the whole "project" can't listen to the songs right now, because my girlfriend is sleeping next to me, but I will listen tomorrow! Great idea, this is really something from "The Community" where everyone could show their talents! I love the fact you picked more then 1 winner! Great! Keep on Steeming!

Yeah, the thing really builds, allows all sorts of talented people to enter in the rounds they want to, and in the end, who knows where we will end up. Thanks!

Also, make sure to come back for the songs, they are crazy!

Good luck, I liked the videos friends I hope to continue to progress in the community!!

I should be playing your contests as full time job.

great idea :)

It could be financially beneficial.

Well depends on how wild and strange I am. ;)

Or how wild and strange I am!


let's do this, shall we ? :D

Do it! Do it!

Do it! Do it!

Contests are nice but I dont have a change.

No chance only if you do not enter...

Awesome! great to hear those original talented people here, CONGRATULATION TO THE WINNERS!

Talented steemians every step of the way, all combining to create some interesting things together!

Great contest @papa-pepper ...I will take part in...

Glad to hear it! Please do enter! Thanks!

Great article ,amazing blog
i just followed you , i hope you follow me and feel free to check out my account :)


Nice program

Nice idea, i liked

"Sometimes, it just pays to enter".
because @papa-pepper can #giversneverlack .


This is a contest that makes me excited

Me too! LOL!

@papa-pepper, so the photo is due THIS coming Sunday, or the following one?

Yeah, it is this Sunday, which happens to be the next one on the calendar. I get your point.

Ah okay. I wasn't busting balls, just clarifying. I'm taking a trip next week and was just seeing if I can take one on location!

Cool, I was just remembering a "This Saturday vs. Next Saturday" scene from the movie "Mom's Night Out."

I was totally thinking of the dialogue from that scene but couldn't remember the movie title. Thanks!

goodluck bro nice

lol that is a LOT of work :) requesting easier contest for future :) let's not make Steemit harder :) Good Luck to participants!

All people need to do is take a photo of someone with a steemit logo and reply to this post with it.

Most of this post was a recap of last season to give people an update and to give newer people an idea of how this contest runs and progresses.

oh lol my bad, I thought it was about all rounds :) let me go find a human, its a rarity in here on Mars.

LOL. Yeah, many users are very familiar with this contest, but newer ones have no idea, so I understand that the way I posted can be confusing.

yea, I literally found you yesterday and started following you, I really like your idea of creating categorized search tool.

Cool, thanks! Followed back.

Very interesting writing, unfortunately not to be read

It is a contest, not an article.

I know, I mean, dear not to read, read in any detail written by friends, not just articles that should be given a good thumb, but any information is very useful to us, if we do not follow it, then we will be left behind.

Do we need to actually sing the song? Lol

This round is just a photo round. Here are the rules for Round 1:

Take an original photo of a person and a steemit logo. Post your photo in the replies to this post.

I want to enter. But I don't sing haha. Also if I enter and I so happen to not sing, I can just do what I can and know right?

All that people need to do in this round is enter a photo to win. Next round they have to make art to win. In round three all they have to do is make a meme. Then people can write poetry in Round 4 to win, and sing or rap in round 5.

No one needs to enter all the rounds. I just try to have something for everyone over the scope of the contest, so anyone with any talents at least have something to do.

Does that make sense?

Gotcha. Sounds awesome

3 very strong entries for the song contest. Verbal-d killed it lol.

I think that they all nailed it, and did a great job with those lyrics! How wild and strange was that?

They did don't get me wrong! I actually really valued the fact that all 3 were pretty distinctive.

The piano entry spoke to me since I love the piano so much and @trillex had something cool happening there too. I just connected the most with D's. It had all the elements for me, kinda corky instrumental and the production quality was there!

Yeah, I guess if I was into choosing winners I would have picked him!

Oh I think it was really cool of you to reward all three of them. Especially bc they were the only contestants who put the effort in to enter. Making a song is hard work and often time consuming. Those guys deserved what they got!

It is. New lyrics, figure out how to make them fit. It can get rough. I once used lyrics from 12 other steemians to make a song to enter into an Open Mic.

Haha Wow dude...solid performance. That really went on for a while too. I hope you won open mic that week, seriously.

That "ninja turtles nintendo music" won me over instantly.

I remember this😂 This is the video that made me join openmic! So many lyrics from different steemians coupled into one.....Amazing!

AHAHAHAH you suck so bad at singing and RAP I love it i cant stop laughing #funniestdude #ahahahhah #cutthesound #7minutesoflove <3 thanks for the heart <3

How this for an entry?

Dan Steemit.JPG

That's an entry!

Doesn't say we can't enter twice correct?

jaybird Steemit.jpg

Enter as many times as you like.

perfect Mwahahahahaha

I Like this sooo much😂😂

Thx bud, i think that there is lots of potential for it to turn silly in the next round ;)

Papa. I'm a kinda new follower so being that said. I had no idea about this contest you had.

Just look at all you can create with the steem that you get from us. This is awesome those songs were truly amazing, all the creativity and thoughts you can make people do. This is awesome.
I will get into this one with my phone :D for sure.
Thanks for doing this kind of stuff this is great, see one more reason why you do so great man. You deserve it
Soy tu tio And those songs, damn @verbal-d killed it hahah.

Soy tu Papa! (not potato)

lol I know what you mean hahaha xD

Loved your competition and so glad @drewley was a winner. @deimus wrote such a nice article on him last evening

Look who I found steeming.

Please no discrimination of Seagals. We play nice with dolphins and whales. We only eat minnows :)

Hahhah! Nice one

AH sweet :)

Hahhahahaah what a crazy and dynamic contest!

LETS GET IT ON! Only @Papa-pepper would sponsor such a thing!

Somehow, it is even my brainchild! LOL

hahaha u got the tag wildstrange too hahah

It even trended for a bit on the trending topics page! LOL

Nice! wild and strange trends.....hahaha

Okay, maybe one more:


Let me know if this isn't kid friendly enough and I'll take er down. I figure, all kids like farts right?

I thought maybe no at first, but then I realized it was just lighting a fart.

Since that skill can save your life in a survival situation, we will call it fine for children. Thanks for checking though!

Bahaha, "Since that skill can save your life in a survival situation..." You're too funny man. No prob, it was more the position he's in that I was worried about.

Yeah, I was wondering what kind of crazy people I had gotten myself mixed up with at first, but then realized that you guys were just practicing survival skills. All good!

It will not win though.... just saying LOL

I didn't think it would. It was more of a joke entry. I think my first entry has a chance and of course my signature Steemit photo is my favourite. I might come up with something fresh though, I'm enjoying this one ~

I can't wait to try my hand in the contest this season! Seems like alot of fun!

Sadly I couldn't finish the instrumental for the last seasons song :/
Well I'll just try taking part in this one :)

And btw. Keep up the nice work! Love your content :) @papa-pepper Until when are we allowed to reach in photos?

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