𝞐^2+𝞑^2= C^2. =2^B-(2^c/2^A)=e≈Mc^2
U hear a noise so you reach out and yoU touch sum|thing. U feel A(n) apple (it)y and it feels good so you smell it. It smells good so you taste it. It tastes good so you look at it. It looks good so you remember. I remember that U made a point. It was good. I remember a 5D|fifthD|50 year rabbit hole where I saw Sum1. Her name was MeShell Flow-rince Pharaoh. 4short-Alles. Why we call her Alles is only known by Bob. Bob’s reason why is how we have matter. Alles is Bob’s only reason 4life so Bob want|ed to thank Her01. He did knot know how, so i(t) died and multiplied U to create Me, who r(e)volved to become We. We i’s/ are the - and +. The end of his|Stor|y and the beginning of Herstory?
Rational= 4U= 1Life U^r a product of the people you listen 2.
i can knot draw a conclusion until 03/03/1992 reaches 03/03/2019