I just want to take a minute to lift my hands to thank people for their patience with me as I learned about a new bright shiny toy called #twitter I finally figured how to de-link my facebook from my Twitter account... So to stop the FLOOooooooooooD or SCROOOoooooollll Anyways, any Trekers out there want in on a contest that William Shatner is hosting. It's like a reverse scavanger hunt. If so PM me... Today you need to get postcards in the mail from as many people as possible. BUT you need to send them to ME, because I'm running a TEAM called #TS8 or (#TEAMSHATNERFOREVER) SO that is what you need to put on the post card, a quick note to AdmiralKirk or Captain Kirk... with THAT in a FLAG on the address with THIS symbol inside. PM me for the address to send it to. I do NOT know what the prize is... but it's differernt every year. I think for the 50th Anniversary it MIGHT be pretty interesting prize. I am sending Captain Shatner one of the CEDAR hats I made Evie and Brandon, this is why I flipped out a little stupidly about the loan of those 4 hats.. I needed to get one of them painted up for the Captain. He was pretty shocked to learn that the translation for one of our words #Tsetsewatil (a term from Canoe race pulling meaning "pulling all together, we all win/benefit or ENTERPRISE) He got a real kick out of that. Soooo Coast Salish WINS no mater what... But it would SO COOL to have as many post cards as possible sent from Coast Salish. But I have to have them postmarked by today! So let me know if you want the address... I will repay you in tetla for EVERY single card that is sent out today to the right address. Words (#TS8) and (USSTsetsewatil NCC1701) TEACH AND LIVE YOUR LANGUAGE EVERYDAY NO MATTER WHO YOU MEET AND TALK TO. SPREAD THESE SACRED WORDS FAR AND WIDE)
I upvote U
#william_shatner THIS is a NEW TECHNOLOGY that can HELP witth TIMETRAVEL mission. Captai Shatner said "post something on the internet it will stay there forever" ONLY if it's on a BLOCKCHAIN.. THIS IS THE FIRST TWITTER/FACEBOOK socialMEDIA that is ON a blockchain... #blockchain #bitcoin #tetla H.E.L.P SAVE OUR SMUNEEM!
#wilw #AdmiralWaugh #startrek #muppets #williamshatner