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My entry The #SevenDaysOutside challenge is a great initiative by @erikah. I decided to take part in this challenge for this week. for #WindowMonday
Location: Ypres, Belgium.
Camera - lens: Nikon D610, 70-200mm/f4.
Camera - settings: 70mm, 1/800 at f/11, ISO 800.
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@photocircle TeamLove it, a door with personally and character! Nice find!
As much as I love your photos, I have to ask you to respect the challenge days and themes. This is a door, therefore it should be posted on DoorTuesday and use the two appropriate tags for it (doortuesday and sevendaysoutside). No windowmonday please. Thank you!
Really sorry about this!
I screw up using the wrong tag; even worse: I did it two days in a row. And even more worse: Steemit doesn't allow you to change the first tag. So I couldn't correct it.
The result is not respecting the rules of the challenge, and that really bothered me.
But for today, GateThursday, I checked and double check everything. So now everything is hopefully ok!
Ok, no problem, you'll be more careful next time :)