For the Cost of an iPhone, one can now buy a wind turbine that can power your house for a life time.
Two Brothers(Arun and Anoop) from Kerala India, and their initiative Avant Garde Innovations have created a wind turbine that costs around the same price as an iPhone.
This is massive
Firstly its clean energy, which is always a winner - secondly its affordable not only for the rich and powerful.
Many Third world countries still have a large amount of their population without electricity
These initiatives will be able to solve this problem, from crowd sourcing hundreds of thousands could be purchased to create electricity for all, for a fraction of the cost of creating new power plants ( which have massive running costs)
What about the size of these windturbines
Well these wind turbines are fairly small, about the size of a ceiling fan.
They generate 5 kWh/kW per day, and a small cost of $750
The company's what we do policy is
Our goal is to eliminate energy poverty, reduce dependence on struggling state power grids and create energy self sufficiency for all the needy ones through distributed, localized and affordable renewable energy. In doing so, we believe we can collectively usher in our world a cleaner environment, new economic prosperity and social change
Our first offering is a highly affordable small wind turbine suitable for residential, commercial, agricultural, village electrification and other uses, which is aimed for a market launch during 2016.
It's Cheap, Green, Averagely sized. This is a winner
Sources :
5 kWh/kW? 5 kW is a lot, 5 kWh/day (avg ~200W) seems more sensible, enough to power a couple of laptops and some LED-lights.
How does this compare to the models that are already on the market?
Thats what my source says " this wind turbine can generate 5 kWh/kW per day"
how much noise do they produce
It would be interesting to read some coments of people who already use those turbines.
When you take out the cost of building, maintaining and fueling traditional power grids. the solar / wind microgrids with battery storage are very economical for developing countries that do not have the existing infrastructure.
is it $750 for the turbine only or does it include batteries, etc.?
it damn well better. A turbine/gen-set for $750 is damn expensive.