When in Paris...

in #wine7 years ago

The Eiffel Tower, Escargot, Frogs legs, Notre Dame, the Louvre, a nice glass of Bordeaux! These are all things I had on my list of must sees and dos when in Paris, and aside from the frogs legs, I checked them all off of the list. I'll order the frogs legs next time ;)


Everyone always says that you should visit Paris once in your life. The wine, the food, the culture, the shopping... it's the type of city where you find yourself intoxicated by the beauty as soon as your step off the plane. When I was planning my trip to France, I had 3 areas in mind - Paris, Champagne, and Burgundy. We had 9 days and wanted to make sure we gave ourselves enough time in each spot to fully enjoy it. The biggest mistake I've made while traveling is trying to power see everything in a short amount of time. You end up rushing through everything and barely remembering what you just saw. With the 9 days that we had it was still going to be a little rushed, but it allowed us to spend more than just a quick day in these places and relax a little.

Paris was first. We flew in and, like any tourist, headed straight to see the Eiffel Tower. We were staying in an airbnb only a few blocks away and if I hung my body half way out the window, I could just barely see the Eiffel Tower. As small and cramped as our airbnb was (that's a whole other story!), the view made it worth it.


We unpacked a bit and headed out to explore. Now when you're exploring Paris it is so incredibly easy to get distracted! An art stand selling small oil paintings, a cafe that smells of espresso, a cute little cheese shop, these types of things are literally around every corner. When you're trying to get from point A to point B, keep your head down and you'll get there quickly. If not, just make sure you give yourself a little extra distraction time :)

We took about 1000 photos of the Eiffel Tower - looking up at it, a cute coupley looking one, one from across the river, etc. When it's your first time seeing it, don't be ashamed of being those people. You are never going to see these people again and more than likely they are probably doing the same thing...


The Louvre was the next 'must see' on our list. This museum would be worth spending a couple days in to fully enjoy every aspect of it, but even just the couple of hours we spent there were amazing! The Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, Michelangelo's Dying Slave, the Winged Victory of Samothrace - these are just some of the incredible pieces that the Louvre houses. As exciting as it is to see the Eiffel Tower, make sure you put the Louvre at the top of your list as well!



Winged Victory of Samothrace


Next thing on my list? Sit in a sidewalk cafe and enjoy a glass of wine. That was it! So simple. We found a cafe and checked it off the list...


I now understand why people fall in love with this city! Next time I go it will be for a least a week so we can kick back and relax a little more. And will probably include a lot more moments like these...




Thanks for reading and happy traveling!

Jen 🍷



Would love to travel to Paris!

hallo i am a newcomer in steemit
please help friend

Paris is awesome ! Amazing photos my friend !! Enjoyed your post !!

Open my profile and doing like

Nice! My boyfriend took me there for my birthday and oh boy - it was amazing! We also managed to eat at the three star Michelin restaurant l'épicure... YUM!

I'm interested in how your stay at champagne was. Will you write an article about it? 😍

Anyway, if you're interested in travel, pole dance or self-development, feel free to check out my channel! Otherwise, have a FANTASTIC day. HUGS 💛

A beautiful city but unfortunately risky because attacks! The controls are very harsh and give you a sense of fear!

Amazing , hi i am a beginner in steemit

How old was that wine? Have never tasted a wine older than 5 years!

Original special amazing photos.This is a truly amazing. .Thank You Very Much for sharing this post.

Paris the magic land thanks for sharing @travelingsomm

Good post, is the (traveling)somm a reference to your wine education and are you actually one or is it just for fun?

Yes I work as a sommelier, with bits of travel mixed in!

paris is a place where i really wanna visit its my dream place to visit there and the way you took the pictures are just really really amazing thank you for sharing them

Nice post friend
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Excellent publication! I invite you to visit my publication of a beautiful tourist place, if you want, vote!


great photos! hope to see more soon

I agree with you Paris is a city very difficult to not fall in love with that. Great city, food and wine. In my opinion Louvre Museum even two days are not enough to visit it due to its wide range of paints sculputes and so on. It is a "huge cradle of culture". I have been twice to Paris I still feel to have missed something. Great post

After reading your post.. Feels like I have been there travelingsomm..so nice . Thanks for sharing.. 😊

Paris is amazing!

Very interesting post, Paris is beautiful city .:)

It is my wish to visit here one day and try the French escargot!

So cool,!! Thanks somuch for sharing, could do with seeing Paris through someone else's eyes. It's been a while since I've been there. Upvoted!!

Beautiful pictures of a beautiful city! Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to go to Paris and just take everything in - the sights, the food and the atmosphere. It is definitely on the top of my list for next year when I visit Europe with my husband!

I go to Paris once a month and everytime I fell in love all over again with this city. The streets and the architecture are just mesmerizing. I think you've seen the most important infrastructure but Paris has so much things to see =)

Love the pic with the wine glasses under the Eiffel Tower ;)

You post on Paris is so beautufil. Paris is the top of my list of travelling. I did a post of the eiffel tower, you should check it out

Hello! Paris is the most beautiful city I had seen in my life... beautiful photographs of you there! A few hours ago I have been shared my experience in Paris, can you see this?
