Nerve-Pain, Depression, Suicide and CTE: Effective Treatment Might Be Getting The Right Doctor

in #winter7 years ago (edited)

Nerve pain, like CRPS-SRD and its resulting depression is something most doctors avoid treating effectively because they are simply not aware of the broad spectral nature of neuropathies - nor do they have time in their busy practices to devote the time, energy and resources to doing the research their patient needs.

At present it is unknown if CRPD-SRD is a manifestation of CTE.

However, it would seem to make common sense that faced with a nerve pain sufferer, that they would as a matter of protocol and empathy, direct the patient who suffers in extreme pain to a specialist who specializes in and is getting results in treating neuropathies. In real life, this rarely happens - and the long days of winter make it worse.

If any of you experience seasonal blues like Seasonal Affective Disorder, many naturopathic doctors tell us this can be helped by the addition of a few supplements like:

Vitamin D3
St. John's Wort
and the installation of a Full Spectrum Light where you sit most during the day


But I'm not talking about seasonal winter blues here.

What is NOT common knowledge is many people who are afflicted with neuropathies suffer much more debilitating forms of depression to outright despair. They have given up hope because they've run the gamut of medical tests, prescription meds and nothing helps.

It is these individuals and their caregivers who suffer silently.

Often a caregiver will also not see a doctor - as they perceive it as a sign of weakness, or they feel that they're supposed to be the strong, glue that holds their family together ... and "what message would that be sending if they asked for help themselves?"

These people are our silent heroes, and if they suddenly commit suicide we all wonder what went wrong.

Other times, the person suffering from severe depression may have gone through a life-changing event, or had head trauma or injury and they just can't pick up their life where they left off - they have to find a new way of being.

Great Memories Last A Lifetime.jpg (photo courtesy of

Depression can overcome a person, whether from an accident, trauma - either physical, emotional or psychological - and I truly believe it affects caregivers as well.

Caregivers are also silent heroes - because they step up when no one else will, they change their lives to accommodate a suffering loved one, and they usually give up their dreams or their dream job ... some to the point of even selling their own home to pay for the medical expenses of another family member, sometimes even for an extended family member.

Silent national heroes are those who protect our communities and our countries or those who have survived wars and conflict, and have suffered unspeakable horrors - and are physically maimed, emotionally scarred and forever changed.

Some suffer from CTE (Chronic Brain Trauma) - like the heroes who day in and day out hurt themselves in macho displays of physicality - and even revel in their ability to overcome all fear and all obstacles. Only to later discover after they can no longer play or do the job they love.

They can no longer be the dynamic person they have come to be ... they suffer in constant severe pain - like CRPS/SRD and not only do they no longer have an income, they also no longer have a life and can't even afford the medical bills. And the pain meds do nothing to stop the pain. This is horrific to watch, believe me.

And then there are the those silent heroes who work day in and day out at a job they hate, just to pay the bills.

That takes courage and stamina too - and is a cycle that is tough to break. Thankfully, perhaps can offer a way to help the 9 to 5 heroes.

Most of our silent heroes are also in a state of mourning over having lost what they once had, and despair over having given given up all hope of ever achieving their dreams ... to the detriment of being able to see the good things they have now.


It's easy to say "meditate, do yoga" ... to help relax a person.

Answer me this ...if your body is in such a state that it feels like your skin is on fire 24/7 and plugged into an electrical socket at the same time and there is nothing you can do about it ... how long do you think you can meditate, let alone sleep?

Opiates only temporarily mask the sense of pain with no actual pain relief for nerve pain sufferers.

This is why supplements that actually help heal are so vital.

If any of these describe you, or a loved one ... seek medical attention right away. And ask your doctor about the benefits of Medical Marijuana, CBD Oil, Lithium Orotate and DMSO.

Get licensed, stay legal and move to where it is legal if you have to!

And take time with a loved one to get out of the house, take in small adventures during the week - it helps a sufferer to change their focus, if only for a little while.

There are well over 700 scientific studies proving the health benefits of medical marijuana and the benefits of CBD oil. Not all strains work the same. Some medical marijuana strains will relief some forms of neuropathic pain up to 70%, sometimes more, sometimes less.

A great place to begin learning more about medical marijuana is NORML.

In regards to lithium ororate - you might want to review some of the work of Dr. Marty Ross.

Although Dr. Ross deals primarily with healing nerve damage due to lyme disease, the benefits of lithium orotate for healing the brain is corroborated by many other scientific studies, including it's use to help prevent suicide!

You might even be surprised to learn that lithium used to be in 7-UP until the 1940's.

No wonder people were so much happier then!

Wonder about it's possible implications for helping heal CRPS/SRD (Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome/Sympathetic Reflex Distrophy) neuropathy?

And in regards to DMSO - even though a full report on 60 minutes and government promises, many people and their physicians are unaware of the merits of DMSO for reducing inflammation and healing.

If you find yourself drawn to, I encourage you to find out more about it. Look for DMSO-Nature's Healer by Dr. Morton Walker by searching the title on Amazon.

I found it to be an an eye-opening read, and I always keep some DMSO on hand all of the time.

It also works great on strains and sprains, taking the pain and swelling down almost immediately!

Stack the Good Things! - by this I mean ... if medical marijuana works for you, take it. If lithium orotate helps make your day better, add that to it. If DMSO or other supplements or medicines help - for the love of Pete! - take them. And if taking in a few small out-of-the-box-adventures during the week helps with your or their outlook on life - do it!

We have found stacking the good things makes a considerable difference - DMSO, Medical Marijuana, Lithium Orotate, Meditation, and out-of-the-box mini-adventures ... even if it's just a picnic in the rain with a big mug of hot chocolate!

Knowing that most of our silent heroes are never recognized or thanked for the important work they do, I would like to thank them here - for they are true heroes to the people whose lives they touch.

Thank you - for being you.


All content, photos and images are my own unless otherwise indicated where applicable