The Fool

in #wisdom6 years ago

"The fool who persists in his folly becomes wise" - William Blake

walking, zero, nothing, solar hero, something from nothing, emptiness, numinous as unknown, circle of time, past present future, beginnings, what started it all? Enlightenment, journey of awakening, age when earth axis was straight, time of hyperborea, Arcadia, golden age, order to disorder, opening, spring, circumpolar region, constellation Draco, Sobek, 22/7 = 3.14 pie used to measure circles, crocodile fat was used to consecrate the pharaoh (toth deck), 22 letters of Jewish alphabet, kabalistic ornamentation on his coat, descending from a mountain perhaps great pyramid, joker from poker deck, 4 in 1, head in clouds feet on earth, alpha and omega, 4 colors on his garb, Ahom, Pyramid, follis = Wind bag, bellows = breath, bag hanging in the wind, phallic, eagle on bag, ecstasy (head in clouds, and full of life / breath), alive, mountain peak, high place, ki/qi/mesla/fulhat/shushumna, Ahom - first letter of Egyptian alphabet represented by eagle, moment of death and rebirth and the moment between breath, precariousness of existence, errancy of existence, instability, the crazy one, not walking straight, plume (feather) of goddess Maat, irregular, need to obey natural order, need balance, purity innocence, harmony of universe, conscious desire balancing with fate, individuality, first breath, sunface, ogma, Alim, elm tree, Dog God, Anubis dogheaded guide, opening and closing of gates, Cerebrus, Mercury, Hermes, guide of the dead, weigher of the soul, Sinopolis city of the dogs, dog is spirit guide, only shaman gets a spirit guide, egomania, recklessness, take the risk, go for broke, break with convention, make enemies of comrades, fearless, meet death rise again, unfamiliar environments, not clinging to past, walk the road less traveled, unflinching belief in ourselves, kill tragedy with laughter, flexible open, ephemeral opportunity, innocent, child-like, incarnation, awe, blissful indifference, greeting the day, Alef, alienated, wuji

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