I wrote you there, even though I'm not exactly sure anymore what I want you to do with it. It was cathartic, that should please you. No drill was involved, though.
I am writing an epistle. It will arrive soon. One thing this place lacks is a way to directly, via the profiles, communicate privately. The whole thing is based in encryption after all. But then we have email of course.
As an aside: my evil streak made me consider crowd sourcing your fee from my secondary-school classmates. I wouldn't, of course, but I sometimes like to think evil things. It makes me grin.
I wrote you there, even though I'm not exactly sure anymore what I want you to do with it. It was cathartic, that should please you. No drill was involved, though.
Bien, I will read.
Good, thanks. We could now have a conversation here nobody understands. Or not, as the mood may direct.
I am writing an epistle. It will arrive soon. One thing this place lacks is a way to directly, via the profiles, communicate privately. The whole thing is based in encryption after all. But then we have email of course.
As an aside: my evil streak made me consider crowd sourcing your fee from my secondary-school classmates. I wouldn't, of course, but I sometimes like to think evil things. It makes me grin.
I think we share that pleasure :)
BTW What sort of math do they bother 10-year-olds in Denmark with these days?
And there's me thinking epistolography is a dead art.