
Graphene is ideally suited for this. the main problem is getting lots of decentralized assets on a single platform with lots of liquidity. the race is on with ethereum, iconomi, melon, TaaS, etc. here are some of the assets BitShares could offer right now:

  • Gateway IOUs (like open.USD, open.BTC)
  • Crypto-stocks (like Blockpay and OBITS)
  • Smartcoin derivatives (pegged to price feeds like USD gold, oil, apple, btc)
  • Index-assets (top20 crypto, top20 dopecoins, top 5 stealthcoins, etc.)
  • Prediction market assets (augur and gnosis might beat BTS to it)
  • Other exotic crypto-assets (probably a lot of good ideas hiding in this category)

Everyone wants to trade where there are the most crypto-assets with the most liquidity. a blockchain based fund makes sense in conjunction with enabling enough assets and liquidity on that blockchain to make it interesting. The time is definitely now.. not sure how to approach it.

Thanks, that's a better view of the game..
I'm still not entirely sure if I really understand the core compontents to make a blockchain based fund work as highlighted. What do you think of Mitchell's (zurvanic) suggestions in the top comment? Not competent / confident enough here to figure it out well enough.. you know a lot of about all of these. I think i'll start a channel on and invite some devs over. Personally I'm more interested in figuring out the marketing & user experience side of things lol..