Witch 8 food in childbirth

in #witch7 years ago

The boy or the girl, the two children are equal. Even then there are many parents who want their first child son. Many people give up the whole thing in the fate. But science is different. Science says that your child will be a boy or a girl depending on your decision. This is not an old fiction, but it is about science.

Experts say that there are some foods that naturally help you to have children. There are no guarantees that you will not have any girl child after eating foods. But playing these meals is more likely to contain the child.

Experts further said, there are more ways to contain the child than just food. These include sexual status, pregnancy time and date of your monthly menstrual cycle. However, after all things, the child plays an important role in the child's birth.

In this case, there are some food items that contain the child. Lifestyle website Boldsky dot com-


There are plenty of potassium in the pulp. It helps to keep the baby's fetus in the womb in the womb. As a result, it is easy to hold a son child easily. That is why it is important to eat two bananas every day.

Breakfast cereal

Because the male sperm is very fine, they need a nutritious environment to survive. That is why women who eat nutritious food in the morning breakfast are more likely to have children.


Mashroom Vitamin D is a very nutritious element to keep the health of sperm in good health. Because of this there is plenty of potassium because it is a healthy diet for any couple. So, if the boy wants to eat this meal regularly, experts recommend eating.

Citrus fruit

As citrus, due to Vitamin C, it keeps the immune system as well as the mother's health. As a result, the child gets a favorable environment in pregnancy. For this reason, if the boy wants the regular citrus fruit.

Starry meal

It has been scientifically proven that there is high levels of glucose in the sterile diet (eg rice, potato, bread). For this reason, the child's baby child increases the likelihood of embryo feeding. Due to high levels of calories in rice and potato, it plays an important role in increasing blood glucose levels.

Sea food

Seafood is a rich source of zinc. It helps to increase the number of fetuses in the child's son. And if this embryo naturally increases the likelihood of having a child, then it increases.

Salted foods

Balance of sodium and potassium is the key to holding a baby baby embryo. Therefore, there is the possibility of becoming a child to eat different meals with regular salts. But reduce the salt intake after being pregnant. Otherwise your blood pressure will increase.


Tomatoes help to control the balance of sodium-potassium in your body. Apart from this, because of the abundance of Vitamin C, it helps to maintain the quality of pH for the child's infant mortality.