Agree but can't say I'm not disappointed to not see an open letter from @nedshair.
Think unless we get that. There will always be a few loose split ends.
Posted using Partiko Android
Agree but can't say I'm not disappointed to not see an open letter from @nedshair.
Think unless we get that. There will always be a few loose split ends.
Posted using Partiko Android
Neds hair is a witness?
I need to run to my voting booth!
Oh my bad. AFAIK not a witness but, if they decided to run, would probably be one of the mane witnesses that I would support.
Posted using Partiko Android
Because the situation isn’t hairy enough as it is.
^This guy puns. It's really something one must be conditioned for.
Posted using Partiko Android
My puns are just for men.