OK, we missed last week's update, sorry. Reason is we are working hard to get our Android dev for Steemify up to speed and we've been trying out several options for deploying SteemTurbine, our toolkit for witnesses.
Meanwhile, we also made a Steem votebot, freely available as open-source software for anyone to use and modify! We'll make a more detailed post about that later this week.
Highlights this week (4)
- We made a Steem votebot, freely available as open-source software (via utopian.io/github.com).
- The votebot has also served as a test-case for deploying SteemTurbine, our witness toolkit.
- The downloads for our notification app for the Steem Blockchain called Steemify stay steady, averaging 27 downloads a day!
- Full documentation has been made for the Steemify API and functionality, so our Android dev can start development as soon as his schedule permits.
- Our witness servers, as well as our seed node, have been successfully updated to include the latest security patch released by the Steemit development team.
- Moved up to witness rank #42 (from #51 two weeks ago), witnessing about 23 blocks a day now. We still manage to not miss a single block!
Steemify proof of downloads:

Next week
- Our dev (@bennierex) will have a meeting with the Android dev to finalize the technical design of the App.
- SteemTurbine will be further tested, and released as soon a we've squatted all known bugs.
- Another "Ask us Anything" post in the makings.
- We expect Steemify to break the 1200 downloads mark!
Be sure to check that it says blockbrothers below the manual voting field.
Only press 'VOTE’, the green round button will cancel your vote.
Or you can choose to set blockbrothers as your proxy just below the manual vote
Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain
Get it Here:
Get in touch:
[email protected] | [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers
@exyle filled me in on your work on Peer Query to be something like Stackoverflow
sounds amazing / best of luck !
Great effort. Voted for your witness.
Thanks ! That’s really appreciated. We try to do nothing but our utmost best to bring value to Steem. Thanks again.
you guys never sleep do you ?always working hard to give us the best steemit experience , i will be looking forward to using the steem votebot and thank you guys for making our steemit experience worthwhile.
Very good boys! I am proud that you four make such an impact!
I dompelt love the eye!
Youve got an eye for it, good work and thanx
Not sure what dompelt means 🤔😂 but thanks. Guess who made it 😬
i dont either! i meant ! i simply loved the eye
Good work @blockbrothers android users have been patiently waiting for steemify
More like anxiously :-D
I'll be counting the days!
I have no knowledge of the technique but for example Steemify works super so thanks for that. Success with the other developments.
voted @blockbrothers, be the best....
Hi @blockbrothers I can see you good heart and hardwork to support steemians. That's why I upvoted you as one of the good witnesses. May you continue to support us! @jejes
But lately, it makes me log in every time when I want to upvote or follow someone even when I checked "keep me logged in " box. Any suggestions what I can do ?Hi @blockbrothers I have a question. I have Steemify app and i love what it can do ;) thanks a lot!