Even though we want to go Full STEEM ahead every week. Life does happen at times.
here.Our dev @bennierex had to take some time last week and this week for family matter
It put a small delay on the release of STEEMTURBINE which we wanted to release in the upcoming week.
On the Steemify front things are still going very well. We're planning on getting a back-up server running soon to ensure the availability of the service and share the load between multiple servers.
The iOS downloads have crossed the 1500 downloads!
On the Steemify Android front it's also looking good.
The Android dev we have hired has all the information he needs and is developing as we write these words.
We have been asked about a possible ETA. But right now it's to early to say.
Development is in the early stages. As soon as we have a better inside we will let you know.
Highlights this week (5)
- As a reminder: We made a Steem votebot, freely available as open-source software (via utopian.io/github.com).
- The downloads for our notification app for the Steem Blockchain called Steemify has surpassed the 1500 total downloads!
- Moved up to witness rank #38 (from #42 last week), witnessing about 25 blocks a day now. We still manage to not miss a single block!
If you support us please vote here

you can also choose to set blockbrothers as your proxy at the bottom of the page (fill in blockbrothers in the field)
or use either of the below links to do so automatically using steemconnect.
Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain
Get it Here:
Get in touch:
[email protected] | [email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/blockbrothers
hey bros,
pardon the off-topic comment…
I made a post today regarding a large-scale idea to advance Steem’s development, and it was recommended to share with the witnesses to help get this in front of the audience who’d be in the position to do something with/about it:
The $1 Billion Steem Development Fund: How Steemit Inc.'s Stake Could Be Best Allocated To Grow A Thriving Network Of Applications And Users...
would be cool if you could have a read, and IF you feel it’d be a great idea that’d serve the community, forward to anyone in particular you know who might be in a position of influence to advance the discussion.
either way, I thank you for your continued service to this community. 🙏
@exyle and @blockbrothers Thank You for all that you bring to STEEMIT and I know 2018 will be BIG !!!
Great update guys - one thing I especially appreciate about you as Witness is that not only one person is behind it, but 4 people.
Steemify to Android, woohoo, I can't wait!
Loving the content you guys are creating!
Blessings <3
well done, can't wait for more future projects
Excellent share, I like your post
Very nice information, great post, thanks for sharing
I just voted you guys up as a witness @blockbrothers, at the request of the great @exyle