In our last update, we mentioned we ordered new servers with 64GB to be used as our new witness and backup nodes. Soon after, those servers were made available to us.
Witness News
Today, we are happy to let you know that after diligent work to facilitate the move, our main witness node is now running smoothly using the 64GB server. The move from the older, 32GB, went without missing a block.
We are still maintaining 0 on missed blocks!
The backup-node should be transitioned equally smooth this week. We don't expect any issues there.
Steemify News
The Steemify server has been updated to be ready to support some updates and new features for the new version of our Steemify app.
Steemify Android development is progressing nicely with a lot of the groundwork already done. The coming weeks we'll work on the interface and streamlining the UX.
This means the beta for Steemify Android is within reach and should be released soon!
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Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain
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It's Really great news and great effort from steemit. Our future is steemit.
@blockbrothers May all be smooth and successful for you.
Ive vote witness @blockbrothers
Incredible.... Thumbs up