Under its first iteration, absolutely nothing. We hoped In time to build a list of single main person accounts.
In time and with feedback, it would be potentially used as an oracle for 1person1account. This will never please some.
It's not that you can't hold many accounts, but for some SMT, it will be required for fairness.
The list was published prior to any feedback, this was a mistake. However, in time I see others venturing down this route as Orcales, and I hope they have learned from our mistakes.
In time and with feedback, it would be potentially used as an oracle for 1person1account. This will never please some.
I can understand why. Many people have multiple accounts for the simple fact that not all our activities fit one category only. It's the same reason why on other social networks too, people create multiple accounts and channels for their different interests. It is nothing new, and certainly not limited to Steem.
I see a place where you'll be able to offer different account to different Oracles, depending on what their goal is and what you plan to use your account for.
What many of these lists will try to exclude is 1personXaccounts, as we see @steemhunt trying to do via voting patterns right now.
Under its first iteration, absolutely nothing. We hoped In time to build a list of single main person accounts.
In time and with feedback, it would be potentially used as an oracle for 1person1account. This will never please some.
It's not that you can't hold many accounts, but for some SMT, it will be required for fairness.
The list was published prior to any feedback, this was a mistake. However, in time I see others venturing down this route as Orcales, and I hope they have learned from our mistakes.
I can understand why. Many people have multiple accounts for the simple fact that not all our activities fit one category only. It's the same reason why on other social networks too, people create multiple accounts and channels for their different interests. It is nothing new, and certainly not limited to Steem.
I see a place where you'll be able to offer different account to different Oracles, depending on what their goal is and what you plan to use your account for.
What many of these lists will try to exclude is 1personXaccounts, as we see @steemhunt trying to do via voting patterns right now.
Btw. What do you mean by oracles? I should've asked it in my previous comment but missed it.
Check out @steemitblog that's where Steemit kick out their updates.
Should be 3/4 back where there is a focus on Oracles.. Let me know if you need a link, I'll hook you up when I'm not mobile.