
I'm not 100% I know what you're looking for, but if an account has been compromised and its password changed, use this link ASAP:

This link is always available in the "hamburger" menu in the top right of

When I go to the link, it says "We are unable to recover this account, it has not changed ownership recently". The mgmt. removed the 'hidden' portion ( and I did not know that was going t/b done) - I know they did this removal because some Newbies would Copy it (& use it in "Memo" area of transactions etc) - but it's not right, as I've been w/ Steem longer than 'Newbies' - do you know someone I can speak to, or do I just have to "Wait" til they come out of Beta ??

They have to set up a way that I can 'see' my hidden key -- hope u can find out 'if' they're at least gonna address this in near future (like 6 mo's ) ..

I really was enjoying Steemit, can u ask please?

THX - Jan