I meant super-linear, don't need to be exactly n^1.3 as the proposal, basically anything more than n.
As for bidbots, my understanding is, under linear it's easier for bot owners to sell votes, as the voting amount of bots can be evenly distributed accordingly. It's more of a win-win for both vote buys and sellers.
While with super-linear, to split or distribute bot voting amount to vote buys is not as profitable (say, if 10 buys bid for a 500K sp bots with the same amount, they got 50K sp vote, but under superlinear, 50K is less than 1/10 that of 500K) which makes it less attractive for both owners and buys to use bots, meaning buyer might lose money by using bots, plus their content would get more "visible" which might bring potential flags. But yeah, gaming/last minute vote trading is still possible.
Ofc I might miss something here since some Steemians also told me super-linear curve would encourage paying vote, maybe we need some math proof.
Super-linear would make it more difficult for bot owners to estimate how much their vote is worth. But it also increases the value of "concentrated votes" and this is a much more powerful benefit for vote bots, which can easily make big votes due to their high SP. This benefit can quickly dominate over the relatively small issue of trying to exactly calculate the value of their product.
Now, it's possible that some sufficiently lower superlinear amount might not be such a huge benefit, but in such case it's also not going to affect calculation of the value of the vote much either.
I see your point, 50/50 curation would certainly be better, OK, if linear, then flagging will be quite important to do. Otherwise one can always vote alts instead of others and get more curation right?
There's no inherent reward advantage for voting for alts vs one's own account, in either the current rules or the proposed changes.
The only real reason nowadays to vote using alts versus one's own account under any of these rule sets is for "appearances". For example, by voting with alt accounts, you might fool other people into thinking your post had popular support (and conceivably lessen their desire to downvote the post for fear of "going against the crowd").