Okay, so this rocks, first of all. Way to make an already excellent tool (steemian.info) even more awesome. Second, I mistyped the link the first time, and I got your 404 page, and ohmygod did it make me laugh. lol! ;-)
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ROFL, you have no idea how much I enjoyed making that 404 page. I spent my day staring at it.
Freaking hilarious. You get the award for Best 404 Page Ever! 😂
Sucks though that Chrome have disabled autoplay in the newest versions. I'll try to find a workaround for that. Otherwise, the 404 page plays fine in Firefox and other normal browsers.
i agree, best 404 page on the net..... I howled laughing the first time i found it.
Hello.... that is awesome.
You made me curious... now I wanna see it too! Thanks :-)
Hilarious indeed... made my day!