You are getting pretty close to the top 50! is there anywhere we can read about what this price feed bias and what APR means for SBDs?
You are getting pretty close to the top 50! is there anywhere we can read about what this price feed bias and what APR means for SBDs?
APR = annual percentage rate, or interest paid if you hold a certain asset. The price feed bias simply shift the printing of a certain currency (STEEM or SBD). If the feed bias is over 0% there will be more SBD printed. If it is lower, then will be more STEEM printed. If it's equal, there will be printed the same amount established in the white paper. It's a way of increasing the SBD supply in order to lower its price back to the peg. As pleasant as it is to get huge rewards when SBD is high, in the long term, this will hurt the platform.