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RE: pfunk New Year Witness Update

I'm always joking around. I came here, I read the post. Enjoyed the post. It's a nice post. The thing is, saying 'nice post' is like using profanity around these parts. It means something good, but sounds so dirty. I didn't want to sound dirty. I wanted my comment to snap, crackle and pop. So I got to thinking. This post had a good flow. Water is wavy, therefore, this post is posty. At the time, I thought I invented the word, so I jokingly added the trademark symbol. So here were are. You're confused, I'm confused. I googled the word. ....I should have done that in the first place. This had nothing to do with Post Malone's lifestyle. Just a bit of wordplay that sounded better in my head.


Hahaha thanks!

I forgot about this. You shocked me with that laughter. Thought you were snooping around my blog.