threadthreadthread), I have increased the SBD APR to 20%, and increased the signup fee to 50 STEEM.Following the suit of other witnesses, such as @klye (), @smooth () and @timcliff (
While I haven't been working on many STEEM projects, I have been monitoring my witness closely, and I am also the #1 non-Russian witness (global #9) on GOLOS, so I have been spending a lot of time there, such as porting steemfeed-js, producing docker images, and modifying my price feed script to use the current GOLOS ICO value.
I will be updating my witness to v0.15 in the upcoming days once it can be confirmed stable, and releasing a new build of the STEEM docker image (someguy123/steem) for 0.15 later today/tomorrow.
Thanks for the updates and what I feel are excellent witness policies.
@someguy123, any plans to offer something similar to AnonSteem to Golos users?
Of course. I'm waiting a little bit to ensure the network is stable, maybe after the ICO, since account creation fee may fluctuate a lot.
I'm curious, what does the 50 Steem signup fee do? Is this the amount of Steem that is given out to new accounts? Or is it the amount of Steem that must be paid to create a new account? If so, who pays it and where does it go?
It goes into the new account as Steem Power. So the name is somewhat deceptive. It isn't really a "fee" as much as a deposit or minimum account balance. As other noted whoever creates the account pays it.
Thanks for the clarification.
The fee is paid by the account creator. In the case of Steemit, Steemit Inc. pays for your account.
In the case of Anonsteem, you pay for the account in BTC, while I fill the service with STEEM to pay for them.
Thanks for the info.
Both are true. In the case of Steemit, the account @steem powers up new accounts it creates. See and click the 'show details' for an example.
Thanks for the example, makes sense now.
Hooray for SBD APR to 20%!
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