I made this up: "The must dangerous butt in the world is actually a stick; a cigarette stick!" Then, i will tell them, "you want to stop smoking? Get on steemit!"
And to a drug user, who relishes heartily, the possibility of stopping drug addiction, i could say; "come try a new addition; get on steemit!"
And to a janitor who is broken because he feels tied by circumstance, i could say, "come be a steemian-janitor and see for yourself, that a steemian-janitor has an edge of a janitor-janitor, once the steemit effect kicks in".
Am taking things to extremity?
Well, that wasn't the point all along! Among other things, my point all along was:
Success is different things to different people and so is success on steemit!
So, instead of trying to measuring other people's success, to rate ours by; why not we ascertain what "success" is to us instead and use that as our measurement for "success"?
Well let's proceed!
There is a ton of reasons to be on steemit and i tell you, if your measure of success on steemit is the heftiness of the wallet; that may not be "success" to the brother steemian next to you.
Case Study:
1. Some have a 636.82 bitcoin somewhere and can be here for leisure. "Leisure" may be success, for them!
2. @samstonehill has always wanted to dent true stories about his "dad's passing" into the permanent steem blockchain, since government and media have tried to whitewash and hide the real truth and accomplishing that, may be "success" for him.
3. Some simply are here for privacy sake! Yes, there is a privacy/anonymity paradigm integrated into the model of steem and though the blockchain is bare, privacy is very core for some and very much "success", once attained.
4. Creating un-eraseable legacies with time-stamps, for generations yet unborn to perch upon and find a fixing, is "success" for me. I did created that, somewhere on the steem blockchain long ago and did similarly, with a repository of steemians' legacies more recently.
5. Creating a steem dump, so that even this dump, is cherished and dug by all the great minds and institutions of the world as they seek the piece that completes their puzzle; is "success" to me!
6. Reshaping boring internet with my pieces and love, without worrying about whether IP will affect my possibility to rank, may be "success" to me.
7. Hahaha, I used to tell a friend @lagosnewyorker when we were much younger and we would try to brainstorm the way forward:
if money distribution was as easy as a text message, then you add automation and targeted, organic or even just general traffic (myriads) to the equation, then "quality of the idea" begins to matter less, for you can get generate millions even for doing nothing.
Now seeing these old notions conceived only in my mind, play out in full-blown action on steemit among steemians, can be "success" to me.
8. I encode my innovation ideas and encrypt them into the lines of my posts, to keep these dreams alive in dream-bits (sandbox) and to get unadulterated feedback from a community of loving reputable great minds, so as to go and reform my whitepapers and attain an eventually solid road-map. "This is success to me!"
9. If i build my own nation on steem, without jurisdiction; boarder-less, hence VISA-less. This is "success" to me.
10. "this can be success to me!"To sit leaned against my parapet, in front of a large @steempi enabled hyper-tech TV, watching steem-roll; steemians, in hyper-active happy state;
11. If i am able to patent my ideas on the steem blockchain with time-stamp and before thousands of steemian brothers, then tell me this is not a measure of success if, when google takes me to court in USA (i suppose), i am also able to have them transport thousands of steemian eye-witnesses with me all the way to USA for free.
And, "5,000 eye-witnesses" having my back, in any supreme court, before any human judge and we will overwhelm the entire court proceeding with steemian beauty and turn it into my winning party, and google reps dancing SEKEM one-sidely to their home, while singing:
He surpassed google, he surpassed google; let him be!
On steemit, there is an endless variety of things to mine and its not the token that is constant! The only constant thing is the "mining with minds" aspect. So;
How about the mining that results in other things like; services, brotherhood, connection, opportunity, personal growth and development, vision, mentality, life etc
How about the mining that has involved mining other steemians' brains, by constructively sourcing out what is in it?
How about the mining that has involved mining yourself; you know, finding yourself out through steemit?
How about mining favor? How about mining out cure for HIV? How about the mining that involves the art of winning the trust of fellow steemians, brotherhood etc
Aren't these all success too?
And finally, how about "learning"? Isn't learning the ultimately earning; e.g i went from knowing nothing about crypto to knowing something about crypto. Then i got into blockchain and started to understand its underlying concepts, then into some linux and some python then etc. Look at further testimonies:
In the words @ghulammujtaba:
Thanks to someone inside me who gave me the idea of writing about ordinary people, started a series "Untold Stories of Unsuccessful Persons" and posted 19th episode of this series.I always wished to draw and do some programming stuff but as I mentioned above, my father put some restrictions on things I loved, so thanks to Steemit, who gave me courage to start learning these skills at the age of 30. Just drew @exyle portrait on illustrator yesterday and it's just fine. Learning web development as well and will be a full stack Wordpress Developer after 4 months. I haven't killed my dreams yet.
So don't be discouraged or measure your efforts by what others do, for we have varying paths. This is general life talk!
Already wasted 18 years doing this, will never do that again to me for sure!
Now compare 18 years, to months on steemit, in terms of learning and ultimately, earning!
Back to the basics #untalented
In the last post, we concluded that secret to success, even on steemit, may lie in the first basic simplest solution. Many times however, we jump to the nth solution first.
So let's go back to the basics a bit, in this next contest/movement themed "#untalented: The snapshot of my blockchain before after joining steemit.
Let's all participate again by means of full-blown steemit posts that we can share home and abroad, offline and online.
Ofcourse for this contest; "flaws allowed"! So you can afford to be playful but make sure to 'feel'. You can use personalized variations for the title but try to unveil the same message.
One aim of #untalented is to stir steemit growth as well!
So for this contest, try to recall life before steemit, then conclude by telling us about life now as a steemian.
Through this journey, try to see if there is a merge between the snapshot of your blockchain before steemit and the steem blockchain, for success may lie in this marriage.
Contest Specifics
- Write a full-blown post describing the snapshot of your blockchain before you met the steem blockchain or steemit. (Tell us your vision, goals, aspirations, daily routine, your type of person etc (Flaws allowed! So relegate all reservations.)
- Conclude your post with a shareable meme, describe you just before steemit and defining how much better you are now, since finding steemit. (Meme should contain YOU or any recognizable avatar/illustration/selfie of you and it can be 2 seperate memes or two in one. It can even be a bizarre drawing if you want). Note: the meme should contain (www.steemit.com)
- Create a meme easily here!
e.g this was the snapshot of my blockchain, just before i found the steem blockchain:
After Joining Steemit:
Final Notes
This is #untalented, so flaws allowed! In this space, relegate reservations, for there is no "average", there is no "bum".
Plus every participant wins something; no losers!
#untalented is also very much aimed at steemit growth as it does the world good to join steemit too. So i admonish all participants or non-participants to do well to share some of these entries onto other social media outlets.
Where it is too cumbersome to share a post URL, participants should share their memes.
For a start, #untalented will span out a ton of contests/initiatives that will playfully, stealthily instill or re-instill beauty into us and assist with making us the best version of ourselves.
According to me, the best version of YOU is a gift to humanity everytime.
Then once we are all set to go, we will enter the fun part, were #untalented will dish out contests/initiatives that will help us find ourselves by attempting newer things.
In general, #untalented is a home or a tag that can be used anytime, contests or not; e.g if you are in a state of finding yourselves by means of your posts; not to confident of your talent; not sure if your talent is talent or if you are feeling down in your self-confidence and need a push, solace, love forgiveness etc.
Also share the best of your gifts/talents under #untalented. #untalented is a branch of @steemgigs and the steemgigs community already has close to 700 of the best steemian talents.
We will end up creating history by creating together, "the best version of human", with each human fully mined, till even our flaws are precious gems and our saddest stories; testimonial teachers!
So before we go to the fun part with #untalented, we want to fix some pertinent things, so that even the fun and merry moments can have utmost deep-lying up-building impact upon us and others.
It is one thing to laugh to every joke and it is another thing to laugh at jokes, only after you have applied the joke to its full use. One laugh comes out bulkyly; the other one comes out in spurts, in moments, and even when it starts to fade, it lingers in tiny little cute pleasant-looking hearty "smiles".
One is processed, the other is reaction to a stimuli.
We want to get to those deep-roots, that is why we attempted to tap into it by the very first contest "Who you are".
#untalented is world reaching, thus, we hope that you try to reach out, even to non-steemians with these pieces of you & other amazing steemians, after you have been marveled by yours or their awesomeness.
Remember the twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn share button underneath each valuable entry and please let's share offline; online; home and abroad.
Your Boy Terry
My community effort is part of what i do as a steemit witness, thus, the use of the hashtag (witness category).
If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in"steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!
Consider choosing @surpassinggoogle as your proxy, to help you with choosing your witness votes. To do this, visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses then type in "surpassinggoogle" in the proxy search box as seen below!
Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly: https://discord.gg/wWrnSXK and join SteemGigs on Facebook!
Everyone has something to offer!
Done me by @sunnylife with love!
Learning is indeed a ultimate earning especially when you are able grow your dream skills without having to pay a dime. Steemit is helping me grow my skills and giving me a platform to showcase it alongside this is the best opportunity that can be given to anyone.ok they are mining no wahala they should mine while i also mine my writing skills and become a blogger/writer.
And as for Google i used to think i can find everything there smh i was wrong you have indeed surpassed google.
@surpassinggoogle thanks alot you are indeed a blessing to the steemit community. #untalented
hahaha yes switie. Stay awesome. On point, pinpoint, full stop (.) Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
ha ha ha good
untalented one(1) was a success
Reading through this post I see the reason behind the name surpassinggoogle
Indeed i'm sure and over certain that google will be surpassed
kudos to Bro TerryThanks to @surpassinggoogle
Hahaha sure thing. We are in this together.
Nice one bro
Hahaha Jehovah's willing
He is always willing
This is a great contest
everyone is a winner
Going straight to prepare my entry Thanks @surpassinggoogle
Thank you much! Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
Thank you much
To the Moon <3 heheehehehe :D
#untalented Rocks. Just posted my entry as well in 2nd contest :) So energized :p
Visit soon. I am a bit slow but i will get to it
Hello @surpassinggoogle
You have been determined by a human @surpassinggoogle to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!
Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!
So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.
#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info
and also this URL for the discord community
If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to
and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!
why not be talented?
Untalented I think is because you don't have to be specially talented to participate
is that you in white Jubba :D Like arabs wear ? :) Looks super cool :D And yeah Untalented is rocking all over the steemit I think we can say its on the top of every contest held at steemit i believe that coz by seeing everyday untalented Tag i saw 100's of entries and they all are blessed by " you " and Because of you we have started writing long long :P like this one lol ! though my starting was quite short post not that much quality content but now just because of you .
I wanna Give A suggestions to every steemitian :
Just Think of your whole life you have atleast 17 years behind you there must be some story some experience in your whole life so try to write something you have experienced I am hundred percent sure if not anyone else but @surpassinggoogle will surely appreciate it ! Because of those stories those experience i person can compare his/her life and sort out many problems going on !
Thanks to every participant :) To make it " HIT " Contest
and Special Thanks to " Terry "
Thank you much.
Actually All thanks to you Sir ! :) You have given motivation to all people like me who are writing here and on there wall all about there life time experience no one could have think that before . Before Untalented no one could write like they are doing now :)
So All thanks to you :)
Thank you
Hi @surpassinggoogle wow what a post this is indeed on the #untalented 2 contest,A snapshot of your Blockchain before you joined Steemit vs A Snapshot of your Blockchain as a Steemian perhaps this is another good initiative to say so @surpassinggoogle since it will help all Steemians at large to mine with their minds and produce content that will transpire the rest of the community since Steemit is a platform full of reputable minds full of extraordinary talents,since you have taught me mr Terry that we should not measure our success with other people's achievements because how we measure success as individuals is totally different henceforth as for me i would say that success is when i have achieve my goals,dreams,ambitions,aspirations and visions in my life,lastly your words of wisdom are very true that success can be measured differently as a result of your measure of success as an individual also if yuo want to stop smoking or yuo want to be a steemian-janitor then join Steemit as you said and if Google inc arrest you mr Terry for been @surpassinggoogle and take you to court just know that i will be one of your eye witness and for sure we will overwhelm them and the outcome will be a party where by we will be singing you have surpassed Google and indeed you have my brother finally you are such a blessing on Steemit stay safe boy Terry much blessings @surpassinggoogle from @davidkaruah.
Stay great
For sure i will since Steemit is a platform of greatness indeed,as well my friend Stay great @surpassinggoogle lastly thank you for your time and support blessings from @davidkaruah.
You are welcome
Ok @surpassinggoogle likewise blessings.
Since i got wind of this untalented thing sometime ago, I've found myself asking me questions that had never occured to me before.
I learnt of the first contest rather late and since yesterday I've been trying to comment under it with the link to my entry but for some reasons i can't fathom, I've not been able to. Here it is:
Hello sir, @surpassinggoogle, thanks for this amazing opportunity that has helped draw many out of their shells somewhat. I have seen lots of stories here. Some touchy. Some fun. Some inspiring. And i really admire those who are able to totally open up without much bother. Sorry i may not be able to tell my own story at this time. Mine is one that is long, touchy, and complicated - kind of. I'm learning a whole lot from this contest and i pray some day soon i should also be able to open up coz certainly lots of steemians would learn valuable lessons from it - especvially the challenged. Nonethelsess, this is what I'm able to tell now about me.https://steemit.com/drawing/@diana01/surpassinggoogle-untalented-contest-who-am-i-the-artist-within-me
Thanks for the privilege. May God continue using u as an and blessing t inspiratioon o steemians and inspire u more for greater heights.
I'm really sorry to bring it here. It has refused loading under the first contest. Thought it is better to share - tho late - than keep it to myself. My apologies
Thanks for understanding.
Always relegate reservations when you visit me. Its all good. Will visit soon. The entries have many. i will give you a response in a post but that will come over time. You are lot of awesome things. Stay awesome switie
Many thanks sir. You've lifted my spirit in a way i cannot put across. I really appreciate this deep impact u are creating in people. U are indeed a huge blessing to us.
Remain awesome too
i am happy about that. i am your fan
Wow! I dunno what i am then since you've taken my place. Perhaps u can help me with the right word, sir.
Please feel free to share with us.
Hi @diana01 I would love to read about your story as I often like to read from people who have jumped over one obstacle or the other. @bob-elr
I will share it someday, sir... tho certainly in bits. Thank u
Stay awesome
Creating un-eraseable legacies with time-stamps, for generations yet unborn to perch upon and find a fixing, is "success" for me.
They is nothing more invaluable than planting trees that posterity will stay under it's shade, but it's a venture for those who believe that life is not about what they can get, but what they can give.
...don't be discouraged or measure your efforts by what others do, for we have varying paths. This is general life talk!
Sometimes, in retrospect, I confront my thought and try to figure out my benefits thus far on steemit, and then write ups like this always spring up as motivation.
Finding myself in a world where the society is filled with materialists, they are humans after all... Where The parameter for success lies in the abundance and untold acquisition of wealth, and what we can afford.
This has been my fear, what if am happy "making people smile" even if am not rich, Is that not my success? Of course it is.
Thanks a lot @surpassinggoogle for the inspiration. I can't put into writing the knowledge I've amassed from this post, but trust me, You have given me more confidence than I came with.
Thanks for bringing out your time for this, thank you putting smiles on our faces and thank you for the helps you have been offering to the community through your contests.
I look forward to taking part in all the contests.
You do have your way with words. We you get to the top, tell them i though you well. Winks.
Looking forward to your post man.
#untalented will yet explore humanity in its blistering beauty. We'll see raw flaws and mistakes we all made.
Mistakes in behavior and thought pattern.
Imagine going through your entries for the #untalented contest ten years from now.
This is what @surpassingoogle is up to. Cool, isn't it?
You are very foresighted @buterdaniel
We are already taking a peep into the future.
you have it too. Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
Yes, it will be bigger. We will reach billions when the fun part begins. steemgigs interface is in works. untalented is a branch. currently, almost any industry and dream and i know someone that can make it happen and each of this people are sifted to been seen to have the human aspect, top notch mentality, vision. there is nothing like this knowledge. e.g if you say buterdaniel, i can already mention three people like you and when you meet them you will click in everything, even down to vision. even in this comment thread, i have seen the pattern. its special. nothing like your clone. it fixes things when you meet with him. and whn your clone is brother for real. Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
You spoke with so much awesomeness; its awesome. it's touching!
Your words are soothing, it adds flesh to a skeletal mind, thereby reviving a dying spirit.
it is just like trying to put on a cloth specially made for another person, it is not going to fit. we just need to find our rhythm and the sky will be the starting point
it will fit if it is an agbada and there is too much money in it. Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
Well, we interacted at length today and I was privileged to come across some of your fantastic ideas . Some of which are
Then yet other ideas which I gleaned from your post of about 8 months ago which you made reference to in the current post where you suggested patenting your ideas here on the steemit forever . On the post of eight months ago, you shared two fantastic innovations :
Now we have #untalented2 and I'm about jumping out of my skin. There's further opportunity you've provided for us to share our flaws and learn from them, to accept our humanity. To quit relying on books and look deep within and tell our stories just the way it is. Then this amazing comment from your post
He surpassed google, he surpassed google; let him be!
Well, here the deal, after we all must have discovered the true strength of our humanity, even amidst our flaws, after we must have surpassed google, then we'll all dance #sekem together.
Thank you for being awesome @surpassinggoogle
but mind you it does not necessarily has to be sekem because i have decided that it is shaku shaku that i want to dance. hahahahah.
it tried ewulesoso dance but my knees knocked. Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
Well, here the deal, after we all must have discovered the true strength of our humanity, even amidst our flaws, after we must have surpassed google, then we'll all dance #sekem together
This really sent me grinning. @surpassinggoogle knows about #sekem dance. LOL. I cant stop imagining him dancing #sekem
Gosh my attempted comment disappeared. i have internet problems and its slowing me down. Comments is top notch. i was saying books can be involved but at least dont enter outerspace too much and lose heart and human. Stay in earth and real. i know alot about you already, alot. You got the sekem part too. Hahaha
The other time you said you were an 'illiterate ' and I got shocked at once. Then after going through your page, I quite understood you.
There are too many books, no, there are pretty good books too. But then we consume so much information that we forget about ourselves.
@surpassinggoogle is a book
@buterdaniel is a book too
And talent is an excuse not to be a book. In the telling of our story, we all are permitted to be 'illiterates ' . In fact,
#untalented is a book of books where everybody's story counts. I could keep talking on and on but these are just fragments of my little understanding.
Thank you for being awesome @surpassinggoogle
We are the books, and the story of the #untalented is the little figments that gives us hope to literacy.
But hell, who needs the literacy, it is too bland and uninteresting. It is too restrictive and not expressive. But with steem and the untalented, we fine expression, with remorse, without a stitch. This is the life we all need.
How you take know self?
The mental aspect (knowledge) of the steemit blockchain is fixes the scar in us and the kudi side saves nine.
#untalented is a book of books where everybody's story counts* This is insightful @buterdaniel
You are seeing
Yes, i know but just pause. I grasp. i wrote my own lengthy comment and thought it posted. Steemit appears to be having issues. You grasp cos you are in a particular place too. Overall, it is to grasp, if you tie some human even some broken into it.
IT IS HAPPENING TO ME TOO. my comments are disappearing
Haha! I've always loved the sekem dance too
The first comment I typed disappeared too but once you have an understanding you can put it however you wish, it's not about the delivery it's the message.
But I think my first comment was pretty cooler than this one but I'm sure this one passed my message well too.
hahaha yes
Thanks @surpassinggoogle for bringing it up again..I've been waiting for this second episode like sitting on the bench while waiting for the train. Finally its here, this is so inspiring and I can't wait to drop my entry..once again thanks for this opportunity..
Okay swits
Your post reminds me of a Nigerian versatile music producer called young John who has a signature intro, "Young John the wicked producer!"
I feel like that when I'm reading your post, you do a "wicked" production of hit posts, one after another. One would think you've outdone yourself in the last post only to hear a "beat" that is entirely "danceable" flow through your keyboards to the audience.
This is an incredible gift, and I think you made a point in the definition of success, oftentimes people only use one erroneous yardstick: the number of SBD in a wallet balance. That is erroneous as you already mentioned that there are various definitions of success.
Keep producing "wicked posts." Keep steeming.
You made mention of @samstonehill, isn't he the one that unfortunately got his account hacked via phishing? @greenrun... still running
Edit: Happy to see he got the account back ☺️
Yep that's him. DJ khaled thanks. You tap into those places and spoke. Thank yo bro
You the best, in my best voice impression of DJ Khaled :)
True lies
Record let's hear
With my eyes wide shut I pick my invisible pen to write this lyrics to this song that only people that knows could hear :)
I woke up 👆 to see this post. More than just a breakfast. I am already thinking of something Terry . #untalented on new dimension 🤗
Yes but don't eat all day. Stay bellyfull
I will obey the last command. Stay bellyfull ☺
Finally something more to do. Many people in discord are interested to participate in contests. Make sure that you cancel everything else @surpassinggoogle because I feel like you are going to be very busy. Succes to everyone and let's have fun guys.
Yes indeed; busy. Stay awesome and pretty too
This is my second entry in untalented
Only when you have the time.
Thank you Here is my linkhttps://steemit.com/untalented/@artaddict/untalented-second-contest-a-snapshot-of-my-blockchain-before-and-after-joining-steemit-by-surpassinggoogle-20171016t134910332z
Steemit has become an addiction to me, I cannot stop any time soon. This has also became my to-go site whenever I'm feeling down or whenever my happiness is outpouring. By sharing my happy and sad experiences, I am able to earn $$ which I used to learn other cryptocurrencies aside from Bitcoins. I did not cash out my earnings here yet, I'm trying to play with the money and make it bigger. 😁 I am happy that I am earning not only money but also knowledge from reading other's posts.
Expect an entry from me. I'll try my very best to submit one. Stay amazing Terry! 😁
Yes, i trust you. Your mindset and you are the same maganda
Hold those tokens, it will marvel you. There was life before steemit. So you can hold stuff
Exactly.That's why I won't cashout anytime soon haha hold hold & hold 😁thanks Terry!
Another fantastic contest is waiting for all, let's resteem this post!No words to describe how this #untalented thing has changed the way of doing work on Steemit for many including me. Thanks a lot for sharing my comment on this lovely post of yours, today was a good morning for me for sure.
Thank you much. I wish you happy times
This is Jubbah right? :D See I also wearing Jubbah :D but its not the full image :/

Hahaha same thing
thanks @surpassinggoogle for always thinking of helping us, your ideas is so great to inspire new steemians and untalented like me.
Am telling you.
Have you ever imagined steemit with three @surpassinggoogle posting awesome ideas in the community, it would have been a bomb.
come imagine say na ten. steemit finna be a breeze bro
Yes my pleasure. Dont worry we are all talented
Hahaha, i know its true. Twill happen
But some of us are enjoying your idea of being 'illiterates ' Haha. This makes us connect with our humanity on a deeper level.
This makes us see the best in the worst ideas and situations
Leave us kind and compassionate illiterates. Haha
you made us believe so bro. kudos to yhu
he has our interest at heart
Thank you @ surpassinggoogle for yet another contest where everyone is a winner. You are helping all of us to gain confidence and push ourselves to be more productive, even though flaws are allowed, I trust that everyone who participates will be applying their best effort into their entries. I for one will be starting on my meme tomorrow morning. I need to get some rest right now so I can be in top shape when I create my post. Keep doing what you do best and you will certainly achieve all the successes that you aim for.
hahaha thank you. Please rest dont be like my. You just sounded your mindset here and it is pure-sounding. Stay awesome bro
He's only being the best version of human by sounding his mindset. He has caught the message
you need to rest bro. there is enough time.
looking forward to your entry
Hello @surpassinggoogle
Sincerely i must say that the #untalented contest has made so many people to be able to write down few things about themselves and i must say that this contest has really helped the growth of the steemit society.
Its an indisputable boost to new steemians, and has really helped many give a thought about their existence, reason for existence and their personality.
Am afraid, but in the heart of many steemians, @surpassinggoogle has surpassed google.
Yes bro. and post rank organically in the search engines. Till date, the first who you are contest still has entries. I delayed and delayed but decided to come up with this one. I hoping we get to share at least the memes as that has its own appeal to its audience. I share entries to fb too. People do get touched as well and grow
Sure we would share the memes it would bring life to the post as well,God bless you.
entries will keep coming bro. you have tapped into people now they want to explode.
thank you for visiting all entries and thank u for sharing on fb
One sweet thing about this particular #WHO AM I# contest is that, the life questions it posses to participants makes one have a rethink of the role past experiences have played and what existence is all about.
Nothing stopping you. Is it easy an animation like the one you have for #untalented
this is post link https://steemit.com/art/@podanrj/designgive-1-making-logo-emblem-for-surpassinggoogle-your-boy-terry-20171013t224319617z
Just about the post to remind me how untalented i am, yet without being judged!
Untalented Part 2!
And who said he hasnt surpassed google?
His first meme really got me reeling with laughter.... How are u Barrister?
Indeed. I am fine @aderonkemi. Good to see you again.
I really enjoyed the part he said about the witness travelling to the court chanting;
It got me cracked up. Hope to see your own untalented entry soonest. keep steeming.
I needn't rack my brains for something that's meant to come free flowing but i am. I'm tensed kind of. I love the "he has surpassed google" part too
take a dep breath. it will come out. when it starts coming u will want it to stop but it wont
Logical nah. When suffer hammer, i wondered why google wont give me the first obvious solution in the hundreds of times i typed money in it. A human will worse case, tell me to go rob a bank
Hahaha. My internet is really acting up. it has delayed me. i have a ton of unanswered comments and i am sure you will be there in several. i will reach them. i was doing some comedy. They will dance sekem one-side out of the court room and let me be
@surpassinggoogle... The sekem master... I hope you dont know about "one corner" yet 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This will start the video from the exact place, see how the dance is going one sided and out the door.
Am already in dance mood.
@surpassinggoogle can you dance sekem?
i am sure better than you who adds etigi to shakiti bobo. but i havent had one day of fun, in forever
I think there is something I dont know.
How come you know the names of all these dance?
eye brows raced
your service to humans i guess
OmG! Just kill me already 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
It is not for a couple if they go in opposite direction. They will hope for change of song
Hahaha. Imagine the scene of the sekem shaa. Finally we no dey carry last.
like when your team is loosing 4-0 in 80 mins the way you will use style to walk out of the dstv booth
Hahaha not with FCB cos they will come back. i am sure you are chelsea 93 mins iniesta. Worst case you are chelsea. i am just based on your personality. you can even be madrid but among those 3
Chelsea all the way bro
Logical nah. When suffer hammer, i wondered why google wont give me the first obvious solution in the hundreds of times i typed money in it. A human will worse case, tell me to go rob a bank
My brother, i have said it, that i will not be impress with technology until social media pays me for my patronage. But steemit create one wow impression like that.
Leave google, they are backward and we are moving with steem tech.
Hahaha, ambmichael said who google epp
Na true now, google no help anybody.
My comments are just vanishing. been dealing with this and have not been able to cope up with a ton of past comments
Certainly, he has surpassed google.
For me this is SUCCESS.
if i hear say we day doubt
We the minnows appreciate this opportunities. Thanks alot.
steemit #untalented brings out the talented in us
Switie you are whale to me. i saw your last entry. I trust you will join this one too
Terry you can motivate for africa. Kia, well done man.
Hahaha, i can i wont lie
Really, but it is a good thing shaa. Alot of people needs it really.
Africa you say?? He is motivating the entire steemit community thats like motivating an entire world. But really for one man to be able to save lives with his idea he has indeed turned a world around. Kudos to you sir terry, blessing fall on you!
Am telling you.
steemit #untalented has helped many redefine the perception and mindset about life.
it is a great privilege i swear
I never knew the spelling of “blockchain” until I joined Steemit. Steemit has really charted a positive course for my life. I also want to thank my mentor; @surpassinggoogle for the spine which he has provided for my “Steemit cranium” to rest upon. I’ll be submitting my #untalented contest post here very soon
Sammy, i will be looking forward to seeing your entry. Well done man
Lol. It's done bro. I've dropped it
You need to participate. You slightly entered the groove and twas killing softly
I've dropped my entry. I guess it should be down below the list of comments. I incorporated Naija Pidgin in the post, as a homeboy. lol :)
No lele
funny. spell blockchain
I dey tell u
This is the real deal,bro. You have said it all and every participant of #untalented is in for variable successes. It's time to tap into the untapped and see the unseen. Going now to create my meme. @greatness96.
Your definition of success is a whale beside my own shallow minnow success idea. You are !making me want to aspire to be more. I want to aspire to have an extensive definition of success which doesnt relegates to only what I want but what others would gain from my aspirations. I am a bit sad about untalented 2.0 .... Not like I dont like the idea but I'm beginning to think of possibilities of fitting in which wouldn't look like I'm being repetitive. You remember my last post was similar to this concept, only without the meme. What do u suggest I do? @surpassinggogle
Awnnnnnnn.... Thank God i didnt follow suite that time #toungueout
But wait, let him come first .. He might have a better idea... Or dont take part :p
Instead be reading entries
@ambmicheal.. I thought u loved me.... Even if I write numerics instead of words, i am covered with the umbrella of untalented😝😝
Ahahahahahah @ LOVED
past tense?? Eheheheeh,
Funny but true really.... God bless steemgigs
That is what he does. Make you to aspire more. And when you see such persons, hold them tight and dont let go.
Read this post closely. Grasp the underlying concepts and apart from the meme it is very different. Go to the deep roots, add technique and be stunty, even comedy and play out your entry focusing more this time on the snap shot of your blockchain after steemit. Read the comment from someone up there, who compared 18 years of his life before steemit to a few days since steemit. As for aspirations, we shouldn't talk cos if we do, you will grow wings.
Ehn, i said he would have a netter idea nah..
God bless your sense of reasoning
Doff my hat
I really do hope I can think differently. Not all of us has the brains but trying is really not a bad idea.... Pheeww!!!!
Yes trying. Ultimately more like playfully trying. So pepper rest, play a bit and you will come back with "money fall on you"!
Your sense of humour is indeed amazing God bless you sir😅😅😅 you really didnt loose contact with us in nigeria #bananafallonyou
Hahaha forget banana, check his agbada first and make sure it has 30 billion
I dont think terry has an agbada o if you do i want to see your next selfie in an agbada only then we can search for the 30billion....then i will probably do a remix of davido's song for you😜😜😜
Let banana fall on her first before SBDs #tongueout
@ambmicheal pls let SBDs fall on me before any other thing na... I dont mind falling in @surpassinggoogle's wallet tho 😂😂😂😂😂
you would . believe
I might be wrong though, however am on steemit were am free to lay bare my thoughts and feelings.
INSPIRING PEOPLE I think, and I firmly believe that one of @surpassinggoogle flaws or if you like call it weakness is
Am not surprised that he has inspired you to aspire. Rise on dear @aderonkemi
Wow.... Your own dimension tho... How can someone's weakness be inspiring people? It would be my own greatest strength tho
I actually twisted it.
one of the advantages of being on steemit and also having people like Terry around
Where do I even start the comment from? First I should say that thanks so much for giving people the opportunity to discover themselves. I am glad to know that you are giving this much to the community.
I am in love with that line and I say, you are indeed a genius. You are going to surpas google soonest, that is certain. Let me wait for one or 2 entries before I start writing mine.
Great. i tell the girls in the chat, if fall in love with my line, you fall in love with me because those lines are me as it is. My space has freedom in it so fall in love freely. Let me let you read something:
As for "touching the world; fixing it to more tears-of-joy"; she spotted that in me, really early. It's a tough route and she knew it.
Rare gifts of mothers, touching.
A tear drop of a mother can melt rocks. And now, Mums boy will later grow up to surpass google.
Hahaha, if you only know what's been happening to that woman recently, i did too much trauma
I hope she is getting better, my prayers are with HER.
God is fixing something.
MUM is super.
Ok, will quickly run over that now. Thank you
Yes bro, you called me now. I might need some lullabies to go back to sleep. :)
Wow, this is I am waiting too
The second contest
And how I love the idea of a contest were no lossers end!
I am reading the rest of the reply here!
And I don't want to add any awesomeness to appreciate this to you
Just One thing I wish for you,
In the time that you get tired in what you do, JUST TAKE A REST AND UNWIND!
THEN, continue what you started! I am just an avid followers,
Okay, will try. What i do are too many. contests aside, i have always been like this. i have hours of chat. and real talk
Another interesting post. I'm not sure if I can participate in the contest since the whole concept of blockchain (and bitcoins in general) is new to me. I don't have any bitcoins, blockchain, or any similar online/cypto currency prior joining which is why it is really great to be part of this community -- I read interesting posts and at the same time being part of the steem blockchain movement.
Additionally, case study item 9 piqued my curiosity. I guess it can also be considered as an online nation. The site already has its own currency, and a nation by definition is a group of people that shares and practice the same system.
Hahaha by blockchain, i mean you. So you before steemit and you now. Yes, no doubt. A nation is possible and is already forming and events like steemfest etc is taking it into the real world
Good morning From London Terry
I had a great time reading the all posts and watching the video
I strongly Believe it! steemgigs has a great future it is the greatest idea ever, I believe it will disrupt fiverr too!
I will give it plenty of attention before making the article about it.
I am a bit nervous I haven't followed/found you when I joined joined steemit.com 4 months ago
I am still studying steemgigs, I want to give it my best
I will read the articles /watch video at least 2 more times from the links you left me about steemgigs project to learn every detail
So hopefully I will have the article ready for late evening today
I will gladly follow up with you and try my best from now on
I love to know that someone will appreciate my work
So thank you very much for your help and support, Hard work and dedication to Steemgigs
I am really grateful to both of you!
I would like to take part in the contest so I will join and make a post.
Much love! I like that you have team up with @stellabelle
No pressure at all.
Thanks kindly you very much
So glad there's a sequel for the #untalented. I'll join this one again. :)
i think i will make my untalented now..
Thanks sir Terry @surpassinggoogle
Yes i trust you
i'm doing it sir Terry,thank you so much to your aupport and encouragement,it really means alot to me..
Yes Steemit has been a great source of learning mainly about cryptos
@surpassinggoogle, we all in Euronation extend a hand of appreciation towards your support to the steemit community. Your contest gives chance for everyone irrespective of where they belong to be a winner, that makes you exceptional.
My growth n steemit cannot be mentioned without you in it. I so much appreciate it.
Sir Terry, keep it up. We got your back.
Here's my entry to this contest. Me no dey carry last.
google got trolled there hahah and you are on another level this time : )
Hello brother. Here is my entry:
Thanks . will visit soon
always valuable and nicest of the article i can get in @surpassinggoogle blog.
Its an epic journey so far with #untalented and the lead was given by @surpassinggoogle
Thanks a lot sir, lets board on this train without defining how can we go all....!!!
Steem on and stay blissful.
you are welcome. Comment vote later cos steemit not working here
Thank you much. Stay awesome
Thank you so much sir.
Upvoted and resteemed....
Cheers~~~~Hey @surpassinggoogle my dear friend... OMG....finaly We received valuble uptade about our great #untalented contest from @surpassinggoogle Hey my dear friend...."Terry"...this is our contest now...not only you...(lol😃😃😃) #untalented contest is connect more steemians....only one family....hey I'm so happy....we are now one of better and valuble steemit cotest members.... Hello....all my dear #untalented steemians....... I have one request to you....you want success to your life...please followed and read our #untalented members life stories...for it I think you can take valubles ideas how to archieve our goals....how to brocken our life barriers...bcz....all I think all untalwnted stories true and I can something....to our future.... Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle for sharing this post ........
A great mind with an outstanding great content!
Another great contest where everyone is a winner. You make great steemit and you are an example model of a good witness.
Thank you
this is cool one and soon i am going to post it because so excited...
Thank you
upvoted nice i want to have on entry on this..thanks @surpassinggoogle ..for the support i will resteem your post..take care brother terry..
#untalented and #untalented @surpassinggoogle the man that has brought smiles on faces... I'm not even sure if he's ready to stop in a hurry. Mehn!!! God blesses, but His blessings on this fellow @surpassinggoogle is just not enough yet. Thank you sir
This is my own entry
Thank you much. I will get to it soon. Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen
like dj khalid will always say..''another one'' this is another classic post from you, reading your post always enlighten me a lot, this contest is one of a kind, a one that has helped many realize themselves and who they really are...thanks for this great initiative...
You are welcome. Dj khalid has up upgraded; "go buy your mama a house". Say my name
Great post, please can you share some of your untalentedness?
Are you creating new words?
Cant stop laughing.
Hello @surpassingoogle, you are always here to inspire. I really appreciate having you here. I still have alot to learn from you.
Thank you much. I hope your participate
"A LOT." I must confess community is yet to see his best.
I wish there is a way to get notified each time you post, so i wont have to miss out on any of your post. Came online this evening and just check your blog and saw you posted already, glad i did right in time..
I get this feeling that there are people out there who still have the love and are ready to build peoples dream. You so much love steemit rhat you are giving it all you can to sustain it and i commend you for that.
But the meme i hope its not complex and jisy anybody can create it??
No complexity at all. you can even draft something on paper or something, its #untalented. We remove all barriers to entry plus every participant wins something. As for the love part, i love humans and i understand steemit fully in terms of its span when it comes to imparting life, so i have more extent to what i have done all my life. Before steemit, many naija boys left naija after spending years of listening to me. One boy has polio. He did it. Many things that missing is in an enabling environment. Steemit offers that
Ok it is not compulsory to make a meme. Fair , but will attempt it still.
It takes the "EXTRAORDINARY" to see beyond oridinary and i am glad you do. When is the deadline to submit mt entry?
No deadline. till date the who you are one still has entries. The essense of #untalented, one of it, is to remove barriers to entry and let you try but meme is dead simple. i left the link, just insert images and key in words. the right selfie is the hard part. May you tear ogunfe with stains allover your shirt for the after selfie
Chai mogbe🙆🙆....this man is missing home o we need to start a protest here biko @bringbackoursurpassinggoole
If i may ask when last did you eat ogunfe even me that im in nigeria sef its been long i ate that
The real ogunfe in those iya amala large cooking pot, only in my dreams
Haba in your dreams ke please do an be coming o... i can imagine you at iya amala shop tearing ogunfe with stains all over your shirt just as you said😂😂😂
Lmfao... This one weak me mehn
Lols, so funny. Just come to nigeria already i am sure the nigeria. Ok, i will try the meme tomorrow and see for myself, low battery now. Gat to go. Thanks for your time.
Hello @anikeade
You have been determined by a human @surpassinggoogle to be possessing of special gem. Do join the #untalented family!
Abolishing the conditioning attached to IQ tests e.g smart, dull, bum, average and you suddenly give every human a chance to shine!
So e.g if Bill Gates did Microsoft and i can do Macro-hard, arent we both genius? Oh, we both are! Showcase your talents regardless of its nature freely with us in #untalented. Relegate all reservations as flaws are allowed and we sift even the so-called nonsense to find sense therein.
#untalented is an ongoing historical curriculum with initiatives/contests, where each participant wins something. No losers! It is also a core branch of #steemgigs, so please join the SteemGigs community on discord already containing around 700 gifted steemian family members. See this URL for more info
and also this URL for the discord community
If you want to vote a witness, you can vote steemgigs too. Simply go to
and type steemgigs into the first search box. Stay awesome!
Hi Terry
Hope you are doing well
Here is my entry for the 2nd untalented contest
I am still working on the Steemgigs post, not finished yet
Have a lovely time https://steemit.com/untalented/@greatvideos/untalented-2nd-contest-a-snapshot-of-my-blockchain-before-coming-to-steemit-com-and-a-snapshot-of-my-blockchain-as-a-steemian-20171016t165483z
Thank you
love it .. a wealth of knowledge.. 100 percent upVoted via @cnts :}
Success truly mean different things to different people. This is another opportunity to express myself without any restriction. #untalented
Yes. Awesome bro
By snapshot, can it be a picture (or pictures) of myself like the one you used above? Like before and after of myself.
Am telling you.
An opportunity for steemit self assessment and prospects.