WHILE I as a likely candidate for this "list" (oops, maybe I was not on it!?!) take notice that the most Noble Intentions may get an account listed, I do not feel that it is proper, at this time. That being said, the worst offense here by @paulag seems to be putting the cart before the horse, or more apt, Setting a Caboose to pull a Freight Train. A list of this magnitude should have the groundwork laid, reasoning laid out, people prepared, removal criteria set forth, (and maybe more) THEN reveal the list. I have seen 2 possible inclusions for myself and my "minnow serving" bots to be on said list. My Bot's Priorities, in order:
- Feed Minnows and Redfish
- Pay Back the DELI Investors
- Make a small SP earning, feedback loop for #1 and #2
- Lather, Rinse, Repeat!
Thank-You Patrice!
Awaiting some clarity, no need to answer directly, if another post is forthcoming. TIA We also have a massive curriculum available, with rewards, for those that choose to GROW. There are also possible "penalties" for those that break the rules of common sense and decency. Like Plagiarism, etc. BUT, if this lands me and my bot accounts on some sort of Exclusion List, then so be it. But I have never concealed these facts from Day One. In fact, both my Bot Accounts were created by @Patrice ❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 💜 @PaulaG, this post makes sense to me but I do not see an apology... but IMO maybe it is not necessary? I am not Offended, just wondering if the Culture is changing to make what I do less acceptable in the near future.