Witness Update #5 - Minnow Support Saturday & Thoughts About Witnessing

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I changed the front page on Steemschool.net and removed the "Branding Thumbnails" page from the top navigation and replaced it with "Minnow Support Saturday".

You can still access the "Branding Templates" page on the front page.

On the Minnow Support Saturday page, I have written an explanation of what the MSS is, the rules and requirements to participate in the contest. Furthermore, I have also added a list of all the winners so far (new ones will, of course, be added).

I have also implemented a link to the winners Steemit blog page so that every visitor can see what the winners are writing about and how they write.

The Screenshots below are cut off on the sides to fit the 800px width of Steemit. To see the changes without cut of sides just take a look at www.SteemSchool.net.



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Bottom MSS.jpg

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Thoughts About Steemit Witnessing

The game is fucked up. Without whale votes, you get nowhere, and if you ask them they will ignore you or put you on your shitlist because you ain't in their league.

After speaking with many witnesses and investors in the Steemit witness chat and on Discord I am now 100% sure they do not care about the community.

They "invest" (delegate) to bots to make passive money from them so that Bernie cannot downvote them.

I also have 2 screenshots where 2 top witnesses directly say that they do not give a shit about Steemit.

Steemit Kids 1.jpg

Steemit Kids 2.jpg

Besides that, I see hard working witnesses like @SirCork who is busting is fucking ass off and basically working 24/7 on Steemit to improve it that are stuck on rank 60 or something.

But that is not everything, there were multiple solutions presented by witnesses to fix the witness game but the top 20 witnesses & whales do simple not react to that.

I have also heard that some Steemit devs are in the top 20 witnesses, that means they have a personal interest in what gets changed.

That makes sense considering that there were no real changes on Steemit since I am here (6months). Any drastic change and their income will drop, of course, they prevent that (I wouldn't do that).

They are inactive saying they work "Behind the scenes". I cannot deny that but I can also not confirm that.

The witness game is corrupt, childish & I don't like it.

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SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

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My ultimate goal as a Steemit Witness is to improve the quality of the content here on Steemit and to maintain the Steem blockchain.

If you value what I do I would be happy if you would vote for me at the bottom of the Witness voting page. Simply scroll down, enter "valorforfreedom" click on vote and that's it. If I am in the top 50 you can also just vote for me there.

You can also vote for me by clicking on the picture below with my account name in it. Afterwards you simply have to log in with Steemconnect and I will receive your vote.

V9 Separator (No Logo).png

SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

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V9 Separator (No Logo).png


Even though i know you know this already to all the other people reading the comments: What that witness is talking about is that there is a difference between STEEM and Steemit, STEEM is the blockchain that you are using and steemit is just one of the many platforms that run on this blockchain... dtube, dmania, utopian, steemit, etc... they are all platforms that run on top of the steem blockchain, making the steem blockchain better is more important then making the content on steemit better, not everyone will use the steem blockchain because of steemit! Making the STEEM blockchain better, more easily acessible,etc... will make STEEM price go up! SMT for example are a huge part of that, SMT will be tokens that will run on top of the STEEM blockchain, any token that runs on top of the platform will make the steem price go up, SMT should be a priority!!

Just checked what Jesta is doing, or at least trying to do:

Vessel: Desktop wallet for Steem
chainBB: Forum interface for Steem

Just this 2 should bring massive new users to the steem blockchain.

From what i got from SMT you will basically spend a X amount of STEEM to make your own token that will run on your own website, this will make it so STEEM price increases because it will deminish the supply of STEEM ea token that is created!!

If you want to get in the top 50 witness you will probably have to learn how to code so that you are able to make the blockchain better, now if you are in the witness game just for some passive income, i'm betting that in the long run steem will be worth more then 10bucks, probably this year, with the amount of blocks that you are getting ea day with those 10 bucks you are able to keep the servers running and getting some passive return, which is always good

As you can see by my simultaneous comment above, on the same distinctions, we agree. Please keep spreading this accurate information. You are doing it right.

The thing that scares me about steem is that people don't have a single clue the difference between a blockchain and a platform, this is how i know we are in a bubble, i know @valorforfreedom already knows the difference, but many assume other people don't, and i'll be honest, when i joined steem i also had no clue what the difference was, i had to do my own research... SMT, Dtube and Dlive will be the things that make this blockchain great!

And i think running a node for passive income is a great thing... yes, the price might be down atm, but sooner or later it will rise, and when it does the servers will be paied for and you guys will get some good return!

You are like a % of a company, this company isn't making any money atm, almost all companies have some losses here and there, especially at the start, but when the price rises you will get a return from it! Which is always great!

Edit: People also don't know the difference between a coin and a token, or a smart contract, or dividends, passive return, taxes, bubbles, FUD, FOMO, Proof of work, proof of stake, Dapps, i could keep going but i'm going to stop here xD

I'm here to run my streaming networks, giving a voice to anyone who wants to express themselves via live audio and video and to operate my steem exclusive, block chain transparent worldwide humanitarian aid foundation. Running a node is giving back, while helping to ensure the platform remains stable for these projects into the future. It compensates for the costs of operation, time, attention and accountability that come with the job.

Beyond that, it's a free for all why people choose to do it. I witness to make a holistic package out of my offerings and ensure their longevity, while ensuring a place for others to do the same and be heard. My partners in our witness trio team, operating under my name of Sircork, who are both community leaders providing opportunities for any voice to be heard in other formats that complement my video/audio offerings to the steem ecosystem of users, would agree and do the same.

Running a node for passive income, though, is a losing proposition long term, because you simply won't get noticed or voted up, unless you bought the position, then you have a very long time to get topside again.

So there's that.

To be clear. Chain.bb has been sunsetted, and is no longer in service. @Jesta is considering whether to return to it after some other projects or sell it out or pass it on or what to do. He has published about it. But he does a TON of other stuff. Important stuff.

Under the current circumstances that seem to be an issue for a lot of months now, I recommend you guys to not become a witness.

@valorforfreedom Appreciate your efforts, and honesty in presenting the truth as is. Cheers!

Thank you WL! 👍

There is nothing particularly damning in your screenshots though.

Steemit is an inept amatuer website maker. The steem block chain is not steemit, inc.

There isn't much of a reason to "give two shits about steemit" really. We need to improve the ecosystem and continue to make ned and company irrelevant, since they cannot and will not code their way out of a paper bag.

And by the way, they don't even get SMTs if the top 20 don't accept that hardfork, and then steemit, inc and company is fooked and destined to be replaced by competent smaller teams like busy.org and so on. So guess who has a vested interest in gaming the chain of command on the chain?

I'll just leave that there for everyone to chew on as I have been whenever the opportunity presents itself.

But yeah, I not only don't give two shits about steemit, inc. I actively dislike the damage they do to hold back the real future of this chain, damage which is perpetuated by people not even realizing they are not the same thing at all by spreading misconceptions about how code control works here and who is responsible for what.

The top witnesses who are already in position also have a vested interest in not accepting changes that make it easier for you to climb up there, naturally.

If you think it's a mistake that despite many other places for info where you can place a vote, that the primary place users are sent to vote on witnesses only shows 50 and doesn't identify dead ones at all, while allowing a single unprompted click to immediately remove write in votes without warning, isn't on purpose? You'd be foolish to think it's just a low priority set of fixes being ignored. It's part of the manipulation attempts by steemit inc to retain yet more control over the process.

That said, a few have made it up on pure merit or pure influence. Welcome to the game. Play to win by the playground rules, or don't play. That's the option. Because the rule makers have already made it so they can be the only ones to change the rules. IF you can play to win in the current climate, you can gain the power to try and help sway a change in the climate. You just need 15 like minded individuals in the top 20.

Bottom line is you are not, as your post states, a "steemit witness" - you are a "steem witness" - and they are not the same thing, because one of the two is a No-such-thing.

Steemit is one company of many, perhaps the first, sure, but probably one of the worst on the chain in terms of competence in all departments, tech, marketing, and planning, with total fails in customer service. And there are various reasons for that. Some sheer incompetence, and some, purely self serving, short sighted and obvious to anyone with half a brain about tech and tech companies and more specifically, the history and inner workings of this dPOS/PoB block chain construct as it stands today and has stood through 19 prior hardforks.

In the end your post kind of sounds like crying at the batting box, and there's no crying in baseball, just gotta swing harder and beat the teams that play dirty, with skill.

The steem blockchain is not steemit, inc.

I know.

There isn't much of a reason to "give two shits about steemit" really.

Some people make and try to make their living here with Steemit.

So guess who has a vested interest in gaming the chain of command on the chain?


But yeah, I not only don't give two shits about steemit, inc. I actively dislike the damage they do to hold back the real future of this chain which is perpetuated by people not even realizing they are not the same thing at all.

I wonder how the people who do not get that "Steemit" and "Steem" are not the same things damage the platform?

I would appreciate if you stop editing your comment and write your changes below my comment @SirCork.

In the end your post kind of sounds like crying at the batting box, and there's no crying in baseball, just gotta swing harder and beat the teams that play dirty, with skill.

This ain't baseball, also no way to win with skill when the deciding factor here is power (money & influence).

Some people make and try to make their living here with Steemit.

betrays you still didn't get the point.

steemit is a shitty blog site. It has nothing else at all to do with the steem block chain other than mass conflict-of-interest overlaps into witnesses and dev projects.

you try to make your living in steem, not on steemit. steemit can die tomorrow, and probably should. steem will be fine with zappl, dlive, dtube, dsound, busy.org, dozens of condensor clone sites around the world, and on and on.

Seriously, they are not synonymous. please stop spreading that misinformation by using inaccurate words.

The chain is decentralized, and anyone can step in with about 360 million dollars and buy the top 20 slots. Or less and buy one of them. And that is exactly what has more or less happened in a round about way.

The people who do not get that they are the same things don't so much do the damage, as much as are the damage.


Skill IS the ability to gain money and influence. Ever play poker, it's exactly like that.

The money usually wins, but the guy with one chip left can still outskill him to the end of the game.

I'm doing it.

steemit is a shitty blog site. It has nothing else at all to do with the steem block chain other than mass conflict-of-interest overlaps into witnesses and dev projects.

Yet people who do not even know what a blockchain is, make a lot of cash here by posting on their "shitty blog site".

you try to make your living in steem, not on steemit. steemit can die tomorrow, and probably should.

As a content creator I disagree and I already said why.

Seriously, they are not synonymous. please stop spreading that misinformation by using inaccurate words.

Again, I know the difference between the blockchain and this "shitty blog site".

And... Skill IS the ability to gain money and influence. Ever play poker, it's exactly like that. The money usually wins, but the guy with one chip left can still outskill him to the end of the game.

I agree with that.

if this is still your position, I can't make it any clearer, since I'm out of ways to say the same basic fundamental thing again.

you try to make your living in steem, not on steemit. steemit can die tomorrow, and probably should.

you try to make your living in steem, not on steemit. steemit can die tomorrow, and probably should.
As a content creator I disagree and I already said why.

That's just innately false and completely missing the point I've spent way too much time on already.

Steemit can die, and it won't be necessary for anyone to go on doing exactly what they are doing now, on dozens of choices of locations, many much better than this one already.

I guess I get what you are saying now. Because there are alternatives like busy, dtube, etc which are based on Steem we do not "need" Steemit because you can create content on the other platforms as well.

That should be correct now.

I edited my comment to finish it and correct typos and shit. I had no response from you or any others on the page before I was done.

I commented before you edited your comment, you just didn't see it because you were editing, no problem.

muy bien, éxito

That is a struggle and our life saga of the minnow and plankton in this flatform, as hard as any effort we have done, it all ends when we should make an investment in the form of Steem or Steem Dollar, hopefully with your post is able meyadarkan some of them to the front is more active in helping the Minnow to continue to survive and continue in this Flatform, thanks for sharing @valorforfreedom

fortunately, it's money that governs everything, the top witnesses also want the steemit to be successful, but they do not care about small people. its sad but its life.
just like in the normal life the bankers don t car if someone losing there home the just thinking on how to get a extra pool in the back yard just like the small people is looking at slums like rubbish.
but a think the platform its working. clue is not to care of them.
the real power is in the middle class.
but a s a witnesses to be in the top 100 and be respected is better than being on top and see if one can make a good middle class insted.