The site doesn't hide any bots or have any country restrictions. There are filters above the bid-based bot listing that allow you to specify certain kind of bots you want to see / hide. Can you make sure you don't have any filters selected? If so you should see all of the bots on the list.
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Nope. I double checked that. Here is a screenshot from 1 minute ago:

As you can see no filters are applied and I am only getting this short list. What could it be?
Could it be a bug in your coding? I think you not answering right now means you are looking into it. I can guarantee you that at least the jerrybanfield bot has never shown on my screen.
I'm at work right now so I'm sorry that I can't look into it right away for you. It seems like it's not showing bots that use an API to report bids, which seems to indicate that you are not able to load the APIs for those bots for some reason.
As far as I know it is working just fine for everyone else, so my guess is that it's something on your end that is blocking access to those APIs. You can try checking in the browser console and see if there are any errors there which may indicate what is going on.
Thanks. Your hint was very helpful. It's working now. Yes, the api could not be loaded, because of my scriptblocker noscript.
I forgot to whitelist some of the scripts... Sorry, this was my mistake. I should have thought about that first ;-)
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